
Drittes Treffen der Statistik-Interessierten an der ZHAW

Am 17. Juni 2016 fand das dritte Treffen aller Statistiker an der ZHAW statt. Insgesamt nahmen 15 Personen aus den Departementen Gesundheit, Angewandte Linguistik, Life Sciences und Facility Management, der School of Engineering und der School of Management and Law teil. Schlagwörter: Austausch, IDP, Statistik, Statistikberatung


“Applied RDI – Making Innovation Happen!” seminar on 26-27 September 2016 in Seville (Spain).

EURASHE is organising the Applied RDI –making innovation happen! – seminar in cooperation with Foundation Saint Paul Andalusia CEU on 26-27 September 2016 in Seville (Spain). The seminar focuses on two specific applied RDI topics: student engagement in applied research activities and market-based research. Schlagwörter: EURASHE, market-based research, RDI, Seminar, Student engagement

UTM Malaysia

5th Conference on Emerging Energy and Process Technology (CONCEPT 2016)

07 – 08 December 2016 Ancasa Residences Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan This year, once again, the Centre of Hydrogen Energy (CHE) and Institute of Future Energy (IFE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is organizing the 5th Conference on Emerging Energy and Process Technology (CONCEPT2016). Schlagwörter: Call, Konferenz Malaysia, Veranstaltung international

3. Dialogveranstaltung der Forschungsplattform Energie ZHAW: Energie sparen – Strategien und Wirksamkeit von Interventionen und Anreize

Am 1. Juni 2016 fand die 3. Dialogveranstaltung der Forschungsplattform Energie ZHAW zum Thema „Strategien und Wirksamkeit von Interventionen und Anreize“ statt. Gastgeber war das Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung INE der ZHAW School of Engineering. Vicente Carabias vom INE leitete durch die Veranstaltung. Das INE ist erfahren mit interdisziplinären Kooperations-Projekten (Interview mit Vicente Carabias zum […]

scnat Science and Policy

Research Fair on the Agenda 2030 – Call for Proposals extended until 19 June 2016

SDC and KFPE are jointly organising a 2nd Research Fair to provide an opportunity for exchange and dialogue between science, policy, and practice on the implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Schlagwörter: Agenda 2030, Call for Proposals, Research Fair, Sustainable Development


Horizon 2020 Funding Opportunities in Nano/Bio-technologies, Advanced Materials and Production

09 June 2016, 11:45 in Lausanne This event will inform researchers, both from business and academia, about funding opportunities for collaborative EU research and innovation projects within Horizon 2020. Focus is on opportunities in the 2017 calls for proposals in Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing. Designed for academic, industry, as well […]

enterprise europe network

eHealth Week 2016 Matchmaking Event

08–10 June 2016, 09:00–18:00 in Amsterdam The HIMSS Europe Online Matchmaking Event takes place in the frame of the eHealth Week 2016. The aim of the Matchmaking Event is to encourage collaboration and generate meaningful global business opportunities between companies, health providers and other stakeholders. More Information & Registration Schlagwörter: eHealth Week, EU Sonstige, Veranstaltung […]

enterprise europe network

Horizon 2020 Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency & Eco-Innovation Brokerage Event

Focus on H2020 calls relevant to the circular economy 22 June 2016, 09:00–18:00 in Liverpool The aim of this event is to support organisations to access this funding by developing innovative R&D projects. There will be opportunities for companies to meet new partners and consortium members for Horizon 2020 projects plus the opportunity to discuss […]

European Commission

Horizon 2020 – Applicants Training for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships

How to write a competitive proposal 24 May 2016, 09:30–17:30 in Bern This event is a one-day Training for researchers planning to apply to the 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Call. You will work with an example proposal, get insight into the evaluation process and have the possibility to learn from a successful applicant. Schlagwörter: EU […]