Research Fair on the Agenda 2030 – Call for Proposals extended until 19 June 2016

scnat Science and PolicySDC and KFPE are jointly organising a 2nd Research Fair to provide an opportunity for exchange and dialogue between science, policy, and practice on the implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

Swiss researchers from all academic disciplines who are involved in a transdisciplinary research partnership are invited to submit a proposal to interactively showcase their ideas and reflections during this 2nd Research Fair. The presented ideas should meet at least two of the following four criteria:

1) Innovative contribution to the achievement and implementation of the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs (generation of new knowledge, methods, approaches, tools etc.);
2) Reflection on adequate multi-stakeholder partnerships;
3) Holistic approaches and reflections on how to deal with possible trade-offs;
4) Approaches and ideas for monitoring and reporting on progress and gaps;

Please submit a brief description (half-page, approx. 1000 characters) of your idea showcasing the possible outcome(s) by 19 June 2016 to KFPE (

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