“Call for Proposals 2021” – Congressi Stefano Franscini (ETH Zürich), Monte Verità, Ascona

The Congressi Stefano Franscini is ETH Zurich’s conference platform located at Monte Verità, a beautiful hilltop overlooking Ascona and Lago Maggiore in Southern Switzerland (Ticino). Since 1989, the CSF gives professors and researchers working in Switzerland the opportunity to organize a subsidized international scientific event at Monte Verità, international collaborations are welcome. The application season […]

Call for Bridging Grants with South Asia and Iran 2019

The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) has commissioned ZHAW as Leading House for the bilateral research collaboration with partner institutions in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. This bridging grant offers the possibility to continue joint research in order to prepare a grant application for a full […]

Dritten Projektaufruf von Movetia zur Einreichung von Projektvorschlägen für das Internationale Pilotprogramm 2018-2020

Dieses Programm fördert Projekte, die in Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Bildungsinstitutionen ausserhalb des europäischen Raumes umgesetzt werden sollen. Es stehen zwei Förderinstrumente zur Verfügung: Schlagwörter: 3. Projektaufruf, internationales Pilotprogramm 2018-2020, Movetia

Horizon 2020 Proposal Writing Training

Training for Applicants to Calls with Pre-defined Topics 19-11-2019, 09:00 – 16:30 in Bern If you have identified a Horizon 2020 call-topic of interest and plan to get involved with writing a proposal to be submitted, or have submitted a stage-1 proposal and hopefully will be invited to submit a full proposal, this event is […]

Horizon 2020 – Fostering Blockchain Development – Webinar for ICT-54-2020

Two webinars (23 October and 19 November 2019) will inform on the Horizon 2020 Topic ICT-54-2020: “Blockchain for the Next Generation Internet”. It targets intermediaries with experience in running open calls AND proven experience in the specific technological fields and not primarily researchers or innovators in ledger technology. Further Information Schlagwörter: Blockchain for the Next […]

H2020 Funding for Digitising Industry and Innovation

30-10-2019, 09:45–13:00 in Lausanne  The Digitising European Industry initiative aims to reinforce EU’s competitiveness in digital technologies and to ensure that every business in Europe can fully benefit from digital innovation.  Schlagwörter: Funding for Digitising Industry & Innovation