Horizon 2020 ICT – Applicants Training
25 February 2016, 09:00–15:00 in Bern Location: Euresearch Head Office, Effingerstrasse 19, Bern Registration fee: free Schlagwörter: EU Horizon 2020, ICT, Veranstaltung extern
Ein Blog der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
25 February 2016, 09:00–15:00 in Bern Location: Euresearch Head Office, Effingerstrasse 19, Bern Registration fee: free Schlagwörter: EU Horizon 2020, ICT, Veranstaltung extern
18 January 2016, 08:00–17:00 in Brussels This EC Information Event focuses on the Horizon 2020 ICT topics ICT-24-2016 Gaming and Gamification and ICT-22-2016 Technologies for Learning and Skills. Schlagwörter: gaming, ICT, information event, learning and skills
The Hasler Foundation is inviting interested parties in Switzerland to design a grand challenge in the area where the foundation has its mission, namely information and communications technology. They are not asking parties to provide the solutions yet, just the challenge. If a party’s grand challenge is selected, they can still participate. The grand challenge […]
€561 million for ICT topics launched by the European Commission The principle H2020 ICT 2015 call has been published with a budget of €561 million. The 15 topics cover numerous European challenges such as, but not limited to, components & systems, advanced computing, Future Internet, content technology and information management, robotics, micro- and nano-electronic technologies and photonics. […]
The AAL Association is pleased to pre-launch the Sixth Call for Proposals of the AAL JP with the topic “ICT-based Solutions for Supporting Occupation in Life of Older Adults”. The text of this call is available here. Please notice that the EU and national commitments are still not finalised in this document and will be […]
Die internationale Fachtagung für Wissensmanagement i-Know findet am 05.-07. September 2012 in Graz statt. Sie berührt eine Reihe von Themen, die für die anwendungsorientierte Forschung der ZHAW interessant sind. Schlagwörter: Gesundheit, ICT, Mobilität, Wissensmanagement
Ortungsdaten werden zunehmend zu einer Grundlage für innovative Geschäftsmodelle und Dienstleistungen. Aber wer kann, wer darf eigentlich unter welchen Bedingungen Ortungsdaten erfassen, speichern, verarbeiten, weitergeben oder löschen? Welche Massnahmen können Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Unternehmen und der Gesetzgeber ergreifen, um dem Missbrauch von Ortungsdaten vorzubeugen und eine rechtsstaatliche, demokratische Nutzung der Ortungstechnologien zu fördern? Schlagwörter: Ethik, […]
The fifth AAL call for proposals is expected to be launched at the end of February 2012 and will be open for three months. Call Title: ICT-based Solutions for (Self) Management of Daily Life Activities of Older Adults at Home. The online application procedure is organized centrally by the AAL Association. The Swiss AAL funding […]