SCIEX: 8. Call für Forschungskooperationen mit neuen EU Ländern

Der nunmehr 8.Call für Forschungskooperationen mit jungen, talentierten Forschenden aus folgenden EU Ländern ist nun publiziert:

Estland, Ungarn, Litauen, Lettland, Slowakei.

Aktualisierung 13.02.2013: Änderungen der Bedingungen (s.u.)

Aufgrund der guten bisherigen Erfahrungen empfehlen wir dieses Angebot.

Die wichtigsten Termine:

01.04.2013 Deadline Einreichen der Proposals
16.05.2013 Information Antragsteller und ZHAW Scoring-team
17.06.2013 ZHAW Scoring abgeschlossen
31.08.2013 Bekanntgabe der Entscheidung des Steering Committee

Please note that two important changes were introduced:

1.     Introduction of personal requirements

In order to better adapt the required academic profiles of the candidates to the target group of the Sciex Programme – who are “promising Junior Researchers, who (1) aim at attaining a PhD Degree or (2) pursue doctoral research, normally with the intention to qualify for professorship” – the Steering Committee has finally decided to introduce the following personal requirements in the application rules:

a)     for a doctoral fellowship, start of the fellowship at the earliest 1 year after obtaining the master’s degree;

b)    for a postdoctoral fellowship, start of the fellowship at the latest 5 years after obtaining the doctorate.

The date of the examination shall be the decisive date.

2.     Follow-up projects and extensions no longer allowed

The Steering Committee has also decided that Doctoral Candidates and/or PostDocs, who were already granted a Sciex Fellowship, do not have the possibility to apply a second time for a Sciex funding. This rule applies exclusively to the Fellows (the Mentors themselves are of course not concerned).

Furthermore, ongoing projects cannot be extended any more.


Weitere Informationen

Schlagwörter: Nachwuchsförderung, SCIEX

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