Camelia Stefanache, Biologin aus Rumänien, stellt ihre Doktorarbeit in Biotechnologie und Phytopharmazie vor, die sie an der ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management durchführt. Die Arbeit findet im Rahmen des fünften Sciex-Calls statt.
Camelia Stefanache (25) holds a master’s degree in biology from Alexandru I. Cuza University in Iasi (Romania), where she specialized in microbial and cell biotechnology. She started her research career at the «Stejarul» Biological Research Centre in Piatra Neamt, a branch of the National Institute of Research and Development in Biological Sciences. A twelve months research stay at the laboratories of cell culture and phytochemistry at the ZHAW constitutes the second year of her PhD studies. There, she is a mentee to Dr. Evelyn Wolfram and Prof. Dr. Regine Eibl. Her Sciex project is entitled «ArnicActiveCell» and investigates the development of a cell culture system in order to obtain biological active compounds and a regeneration for natural Arnica montana resources.
Hintergrund: Sciex-NMSch
Scientific Exchange Programme between the New Member States of the EU and Switzerland
Sciex-NMSch is part of the Swiss Contribution to the New Member States of the EU. It provides research Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates (6-24 months) and PostDocs (6-18 months) from the 10 NMS (BGR, CZE, EST, HUN, LTU, LVA, POL, ROU, SVK, SVN) to pursue their research in cooperation with Swiss researchers in Swiss research institutions. It provides also Short-term Research Visits for Senior Researchers of a granted Fellowship.
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