Partnerevent Bauen digital Schweiz / buildingSMART Switzerland

Reservieren Sie sich den 19. September 2019 für die gemeinsame Veranstaltung von Bauen digital Schweiz/buildingSMART Switzerland, eZürich ICT-Cluster und dem Kooperationspartner ZHAW Departement Architektur, Gestaltung und Bauingenieurwesen (Plattform Bauwesen). Schlagwörter: Partnerevent Bauen digital Schweiz / buildingSMART Switzerland

Are you Looking for Partners for the Health Call 2020?

Come and participate in the international Health partnering event „Personalized Medicine for Health in European Research”. It will be held on 23 October 2019 in Gliwice (Poland). Schlagwörter: Health Call 2020, international Health partnering event, Personalized Medicine for Health in European Research

Healthcare Brokerage Event Medica 2019

18–20-11-2019, 09:00–18:00 in Düsseldorf On the occasion of MEDICA 2019, the global No. 1 meeting place for the medical sector, the Enterprise Europe Network will organise an international Healthcare Brokerage Event. The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners in Europe for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, joint ventures […]

Mehr als 700 Ideen eingereicht

Das Interesse am neuen Förderungsinstrument Spark ist riesig. Vor allem junge Forschende bewerben sich beim SNF um finanzielle Unterstützung. Mit dem Pilotversuch Spark fördert der SNF unkonventionelle Projekte und neuartige wissenschaftliche Ansätze. Die Forschenden erhalten 50’000 bis 100’000 Franken für ein Projekt, das maximal zwölf Monate dauert. “Wir sind hocherfreut über die Vielzahl und die […]

ECSEL – the European Funding Initiative for Smart Electronics – Promotion Event 2019

3. September 2019,Empa Dübendorf, AKADEMIE   Empa, CSEM and Innosuisse are jointly organizing a promotion event for the European funding initiative ECSEL. The Joint Technology Initiative for Electronic Components and Systems for the European Leadership (ECSEL) supports transboundary R&D projects in digitalization, developing marketable products in the fields of micro- and nanoelectronics, system integration and […]

High-Performance Computing (EuroHPC) Calls Now Open

The European High-Perfomance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) joins European resources to develop top-of-the-range exascale supercomputers for processing big data, based on competitive European technology.   The following 5 EuroHPC JU calls are now open: EuroHPC-01-2019 Extreme scale computing and data driven technologies EuroHPC-02-2019 HPC and data centric environments and application platforms EuroHPC-03-2019 Industrial software […]

ECSEL – the European Funding Initiative for Smart Electronics – Promotion Event 2019

3 September 2019 at Empa, Dübendorf – Empa, CSEM and Innosuisse are jointly organizing a promotion event for the European funding initiative ECSEL. The Joint Technology Initiative for Electronic Components and Systems for the European Leadership (ECSEL) supports transboundary R&D projects in digitalization, developing marketable products in the fields of micro- and nanoelectronics, system integration […]