Horizon 2020 Health and Food Applicants Training

14-12-2017, 09:30–17:00 in Zürich The full day event on 14 December 2017 addresses applicants of Health and Food Horizon 2020 proposals. You will receive targeted information and advice to support you in the roles of task or work package leader, coordinator or partner in a project and learn what you need to consider when planning […]

Call for Projects 2018 – The Swiss Network for International Studies launches its eleventh Call for Projects

The Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) offers project grants for pluri-disciplinary research teams. The project grants run for two years and range from 100’000 to 300’000 Swiss Francs. Eligible institutions of Swiss higher education and research can submit project proposals that qualify as: International studies pluri-disciplinary studies Further Informations: Schlagwörter: Call for Projects, Swiss […]

The European Artificial Intelligence AI-on-Demand-Platform Information Day & Brokerage Event on 5 Dec 2017 in Brussels

Information and brokerage day mobilising the AI community to help European industry and citizens prosper! The EC will soon open a call for proposals to fund a large 20M€ project on AI. It is indeed essential to mobilise the AI community in Europe, from academia to industry and users, to join forces to make our […]

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE Action Opens Today!

The Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) scheme promotes international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) offers exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation to develop sustainable collaborative projects and transfer of knowledge. The RISE funding scheme is bottom-up, meaning there […]

Going digital in research & education partnerships: opportunities, challenges, and risks

The 2017 annual conference of the KFPE organized together with SUDAC (the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network) focuses on the potential and limitations of digital tools and approaches in the research and policy arenas, and the relevance of such tools and approaches in education. Further Information and REGISTRATION requested by 27 November 2017     […]

Stipendien für das Europa-Kolleg Brügge und Natolin

Das Europa-Kolleg wurde nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg in Brügge gegründet und trägt durch Hochschulunterricht und Forschung zur Entwicklung des kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Erbes Europas bei. Ein zweiter Campus wurde 1993 in Natolin (Warschau, Polen) begründet. Die meisten Kurse und Seminarien befassen sich mit den verschiedenen Problemen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Das Programm ist als Nachdiplom-Studium konzipiert. […]

Research Program Grids Call 2018 for Research Proposals

In the electricity sector, research on production, conversion, storage, and end-use technologies is covered by various specific Energy Research Programs of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE). The challenge in the grids sector consists of integrating the various individual components to form an efficient overall system being interoperable, safe and reliable. The overarching aim […]

Art Driven Innovation in Horizon 2020: Workshop on STARTS – The Arts stimulating innovation

19-12-2017, 13:45–17:30 in Bern With the STARTS initiative the European Commission aims at removing the boundaries between art and engineering to stimulate creativity and innovation. The Horizon 2020 topic ICT-32-2018: STARTS – The Arts stimulating innovation contributes to this overall goal. Schlagwörter: Art, Engineering, EU Horizon 2020, STARTS, Workshop