The „Germaine de Staël“ programme promotes collaboration between French and Swiss researchers and research teams by providing funding towards travel and accommodation expenses incurred by their team members as part of attending meetings or conferences. Funding of around CHF 4,500 per project per year is provided to Swiss participants. The application period for the funding programme „Germaine de Staël“ is open until 3 June 2020.

Participation conditions
The Partenariat Hubert Curien/Germaine de Staël Funding is open to every public or private Swiss research institute (Higher education institutions, universities, research institutes, HES/FHS and companies). All the scientific fields are allowed.

Applications must be submitted in time and both in France (Campus France) and Switzerland to be considered!

Submissions are allowed in English or in French.

Selection criteria

  • Scientific quality and relevance
  • Scientific skills of the teams
  • Available facilities to conduct the project
  • Need of the collaboration
  • Complementarity of the teams
  • Mutual exchange of professional experiences
  • Expected scientific (and industrial, if applicable) results
  • Other European funding request (Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie, COST)
  • PhD students and young researchers involvement in the project

Further information

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