Horizon 2020 Funding Opportunities for Science with and for Society

29-10-2019, 13:45–17:30 in Bern This event discusses Horizon 2020 funding opportunities within the Science with and for Society programme. It is of special relevance for stakeholders interested in gender, science communication, science education, citizen science, and research integrity. Further Information and Agenda Schlagwörter: Funding Opportunities, Science with and for Society

Call for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks now Open

Deadline: 14 January 2020 Are you interested in setting up a research training network? The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks support joint research training and/or doctoral programme implemented by European partnerships providing early stage researchers (PhD students) with training and experience inside and outside academia.   Schlagwörter: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks


Eingabefrist: 01.12.2019 Sinergia fördert die Zusammenarbeit von zwei bis vier Gesuchstellenden, die interdisziplinär und mit Aussicht auf bahnbrechende Erkenntnisse forschen (“breakthrough research”). ​Mit interdisziplinärer Forschung ist Forschung über Disziplinengrenzen hinweg gemeint. Die angestrebten Forschungsziele erfordern die Integration von Elementen (Theorien, Methoden, Konzepten, etc.) aus zwei oder mehr Disziplinen. Alle involvierten Disziplinen weisen eine vergleichbare Gewichtung […]

Health Event for Clinicians and Researchers in Biomedicine – Last Calls

12.09.2019, 14h00 – 17h15 in Zurich Firstly, you can book a timeslot to discuss bilaterally your project ideas with Euresearch Health NCPs and advisors. Secondly, you will receive information about the latest Health Horizon Calls. This will be followed by a brief introduction to the “Funding & tender opportunities” portal. Further Information and agenda Schlagwörter: […]

Calls for Smart and Clean Mobility Now Open

Several calls in the domains of urban mobility, shipping, emissions reduction, infrastructure research, traffic management and road safety are now open. Schlagwörter: Calls for Smart and Clean Mobility, emissions reduction, infrastructure research, road safety, shipping, traffic management, Urban mobility

We want your input! Survey on open innovation

The School of Management and Law are preparing a white paper for swissuniversities to help identify how to promote more collaborative work and open innovation at Swiss Higher Education Institutions. Through a Swiss-wide survey, they are seeking opinions on the experience of collaborating in projects with external partners (e.g. private companies, general population, public administrations, […]

Science with and for Society Brokerage Event in Warsaw

This event, taking place from 14–15 October 2019, provides information and networking opportunities for the last Science with and for Society topics in Horizon 2020! Schlagwörter: Brokerage Event, Science with and for Society

Partnerevent Bauen digital Schweiz / buildingSMART Switzerland

Reservieren Sie sich den 19. September 2019 für die gemeinsame Veranstaltung von Bauen digital Schweiz/buildingSMART Switzerland, eZürich ICT-Cluster und dem Kooperationspartner ZHAW Departement Architektur, Gestaltung und Bauingenieurwesen (Plattform Bauwesen). Schlagwörter: Partnerevent Bauen digital Schweiz / buildingSMART Switzerland