SNSF: One-day hybrid conference on best practice in research funding

The SNSF is organizing a one-day hybrid conference on best practice in research funding. It will take place on Monday, 27 September 2021 in the Kursaal in Bern and online. Prof Cassidy Sugimoto and Prof Leonhard Held will give keynotes and we will present the work that we have undertaken at the SNSF in recent […]

ERC Synergy Grant Call Open

The ERC Synergy Grant call is now open, designed to support projects that address a research problem so ambitious that it requires a team of 2-4 Principal Investigators (PIs) to address it. Swiss PIs are eligible for this call notwithstanding Switzerland’s current third country status. Euresearch will hold an information event on Synergy Grants on […]

Teilnahme der Schweiz an Horizon Europe – Aktualisierung vom 13. Juli 2021

Ab heute ist der Status der Schweiz für die Horizon Europe Calls im Jahr 2021 klar. Nachstehend die wichtigsten Informationen des SBFI: Die Schweiz wird bei den Eingaben von Forschungsprojekten für Horizon Europe und damit verbundenen Programmen und Initiativen als nicht assoziierter Drittstaat behandelt. Dieser Status kann jederzeit wieder geändert werden, gilt aber nun für […]

The Leading House Asia has launched the Call for Research Partnership Grants 2021.

The Research Partnership Grants support research projects with collaborating institutions in China (incl. Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea and ASEAN member states, which have to be based on an existing partnership. Scientists based in Switzerland, affiliated to a university, a university of applied sciences, a university of teacher education or a research institute […]

Info Day on the Data Topics of Horizon Europe Cluster 4 “Digital”

Big Data Value Association (BDVA), together with the European Commission, organise an Info Day on 8 July on the data topics of Horizon Europe’s Cluster 4 “Digital” – Destination 3 “World Leading Data and Computing Technologies”. The event will focus on 5 calls that will open in 2021 and 2022. The presentation of the calls for proposal will […]

Teilnahme der Schweiz an Horizon Europe – einige Aktualisierungen

In den letzten Tagen haben Medienberichte und Beiträge auf Social Media für einige Verwirrung über den Status der Schweiz in Horizon Europe gesorgt. Diese Verwirrung zeigt sich nicht nur bei Forschenden aus der Schweiz, sondern auch – und vor allem – bei potenziellen Partnern in Europa. Deshalb scheint es uns angebracht, unsere Aussagen zu den […]

Horizon Europe: Various Calls Open Today!

Today is the opening date of various calls for proposals in different Horizon Europe Programmes/Clusters including: – Research Infrastructures – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) – Cluster 1 (Health) – Cluster 2 (Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society) – Cluster 4 (Digital, Industry and Space) – Cluster 5 (Climate, Eneregy, Mobility) – Cluster 6 (Food, Bioeconomy, Natural […]

Commission to invest €14.7 billion from Horizon Europe for a healthier, greener and more digital Europe

The Commission has adopted the main work programme of Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2022, which outlines the objectives and specific topic areas that will receive a total of €14.7 billion in funding. These investments will help accelerate the green and digital transitions and will contribute to sustainable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and to EU resilience against future […]