DIZH Exchange Days: Service Customization: Optimizing Value Creation and Captue by Designing the Customer Journey

Join us during your lunch and discuss with Dr. Jürg Meierhofer about Service Customization: Optimizing Value Creation and Captue by Designing the Customer Journey. April 20 2021 / 12:00 – 13:00. Schlagwörter: DIZH, DIZH Fellowship, Exchange Days

DIZH Exchange Days: Digitalisation of Academic Writing – the Case of “Thesis Writer” (TW)

Join the Exchange Day, learn about the digital platform “Thesis Writer” and discuss with Dr. Christian Rapp about the Digitalisation of Academic Writing. March 17 2021 / 12:00 – 13:00 online. Schlagwörter: DIZH, DIZH Fellowship, Exchange Days

2. Call for Proposals für DIZH Fellowships

Anfang Mai 2020 lancierte die ZHAW den zweiten Call für eine DIZH Fellowship und sucht damit erneut herausragende Forschende, die im Forschungscluster der Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen (DIZH) ihre eigene Forschungsexpertise, aber auch das Forschungsprofil der ZHAW und der DIZH stärken möchten. Schlagwörter: 2. Call, Call for Proposals, DIZH, DIZH Fellowship, ZHAW digital