Die nächste Ausschreibung für die Tschechische Republik, Estland, Lettland, Ungarn, Polen und die Slowakei wird am 01.09.2010 publiziert, Proposals müssen bis 01.11.2010 eingereicht werden.
Informationen über den laufenden SCIEX-Call, der ohne ZHAW Anträge blieb und Änderungen im Evaluationsprozess (siehe auch früheren Eintrag):
* In total, 105 eligible proposals are currently in evaluation.
Three proposals were non-eligible and one project withdrew its proposal.
Five New Member States are taking part to the running call with the following repartition:
Estonia: 6 proposals
Hungary: 18 proposals
Lithuania: 16 proposals
Poland: 58 proposals
Slovenia: 7 proposals
Concerning the Host Institutions, the repartition is the following:
Universities: 53 proposals
Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology: 24
Research Institutes: 18
Universities of Applied Sciences: 6
Others: 4
* Budget 2010 available (including STV)
The following figures are indicative since it has to be taken into account that the Steering Committee benefits from a certain latitude in the allocation of the budget and its repartition per year according to the quality of the projects:
Estonia: 181’500 sFr
Hungary: 702’500 sFr
Lithuania: 662’500 sFr
Poland: 2’420’200 sFr
Slovenia: 140’000 sFr
These figures reflect on the one hand the decision of Poland to take 1’000’000 sFr from the budget of the following years for the running call and on the other hand the additional budget decided by 4 countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia).
* Evaluation Committee
The experience of the first official call for tenders of September 2009 has pointed out the necessity of improving the process of the Sciex calls.
Therefore in consultation with the Steering Committee, it was decided to adapt the phase of the evaluation between the scoring and the final decision by the Steering Committee and to create an „Evaluation Committee“.
The Evaluation Committee enlarges the actual evaluation by the 5 experts of the Steering Committee and is exclusively dedicated to the scientific evaluation of the proposals. Concretely the Evaluation Committee is composed of the 5 actual experts of the Steering Committee plus 8 additional experts coming from the academies and covering the different fields of the proposals.
In this new procedure, each proposal is evaluated by 3 different experts and the experts meet one whole day before the Steering Committee meeting to discuss and exchange their evaluation on the different proposals. The proposals are then ranked according to the following graduation: A= excellent; B= good; C= satisfactory; D= poor; E= not acceptable. The experts are also in charge of formulating the scientific arguments for the refusal of a proposal.
This new procedure will already be introduced for the actual running call. The evaluation criteria are not change at this stage and stay conform to those actually published:
– High professional commitment of the team members;
– Cross-linked, team-minded characters;
– Ideal scientific correlations;
– Intense support by the Host and Home Institution.
This new procedure does not change the role and the importance of the scoring as well as the final selection by the Steering Committee. It is basically aimed at improving the quality of the scientific evaluation of the proposals ( by assuring a better comparability and an increased objectivity) and at the end guaranteeing the quality of the proposals selected.
This enlargement was as well necessary in the perspective of a permanently increased number of applications.
* Final decision on August 26th, 2010
The final selection of the proposals will be taken by the Steering Committee on August 26th 2010. The Steering Committee will taken into consideration the results of the scoring, the recommendations of the Evaluation Committee (eligibility, quality and competitiveness) and the budget available to proceed to the final selection of the proposals.
We hope that this information will be useful for you and wish you a nice summer.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information or have further questions.
Best regards, Aude Pacton Sciex Programme Management
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