SCIEX: 7. Call für neue EU-Länder BGR, CZE, EST, LVA, POL, ROM

Der 7. Call im SCIEX-Projekt zum Austausch von Forschenden ist lanciert. Bis zum 1.11.2012 wurden Anmeldungen von Forschenden aus den neuen EU-Ländern Bulgarien, der Tschechischen Republik, Estland, Lettland, Polen und Rumänien entgegengenommen. Die ZHAW hat 2 Anträge eingereicht.

Die Anträge werden gemäss den Vorgaben des SCIEX Programms zunächst intern evaluiert. Diese Evaluation muss bis Januar 2013 abgeschlossen sein. Dann werden die Anträge durch das SCIEX Evaluation Committee Ende März 2013 abschliessend begutachtet.

Von der

Within the « Scientific Exchange Programme between Switzerland and the New Member States of the European Union » (Sciex-NMSch), the seventh regular call is now launched and open.

The programme aims at facilitating research stays in Swiss research teams to Doctoral Candidates and PostDocs from the 10 New Member States of the EU (BGR, CZE, EST, HUN, LTU, LVA, POL, ROM, SVK, SVN). The Sciex Fellows will be fully integrated in the on-going research work, contribute their own ideas and results and benefit from specific knowledge through exchanges with experienced professionals and young researchers.

Doctoral Candidates and PostDocs will be able to develop a research project under the joint supervision of the Mentor at their own institution and the Mentor at the Swiss institution.

For this seventh regular call, researchers from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Romania are invited to compete for researcher fellowships of between 6 and 18 (PostDocs) / 24 (Doctoral Candidates) months in the framework of this programme.

The Sciex-NMSch programme is open to all scientific disciplines. Qualified researchers with a concrete research project will identify the Swiss researchers, who are interested in their project and who are best suited for supporting them. The participants from both the home country and Switzerland submit together an application.

The criteria for assignment of Fellowships focus on the Fellow’s and Mentors’ professional commitments, the specific objectives and the quality of the research project, the mutual benefit of the collaboration with the Swiss team and the degree of support assured by both partner institutions.

The deadline for submission is set by November 1st 2012 (24:00 pm).

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Schlagwörter: SCIEX

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