Research Integrity and Open Data event on 23 November 2017 in Bern

In this event we will discuss current tendencies on Research Integrity and Open Data. On a European level, the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 fosters these concepts in the areas Research Infrastructure and Science with and for Society. In Switzerland, Research Integrity and Open Data are important issues for institutions such as the National Science Foundation […]

ERC Consolidator Grants Call 2018 Open

ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are consolidating their own independent research team. Up to €2 mio are available for projects of up to 5 years duration. The call closes on 15 February 2018. Schlagwörter: Call, Consolidator Grants, ERC Work Programme 2018

International Call on Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Open

The EU-supported project BiodivERsA and the Belmont Forum jointly launched a call on Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. A consortium of research groups from at least three different countries can apply for funding through a two-stage process. Schlagwörter: BiodivERsA, Biodiversity, Call, Ecosystem Services

Healthy Urban Living – Horizon 2020 Health Matchmaking & Informationday on 9-10 Nov 2017 in Utrecht

Interested in setting up an international project with partners from the Netherlands and other countries? University Medical Center Utrecht and regional parties together with the Dutch National Contact Point for Horizon 2020 and the Enterprise Europe Network will organise two days dedicated to project building for research and technology innovation and funding information. Schlagwörter: EU […]