Die Konferenz der Fachhochschulen der Schweiz KFH lädt zu einem Informationstag zum Thema Development and Cooperation. Die Veranstaltung findet am 7. Dezember 2012 in Zürich statt.
Datum | Freitag, 7. Dezember 2012 |
Ort | Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Lagerstrasse 2, Raum LAA J002c |
Moderation | Claudio Valsangiacomo, KFH Development and Cooperation Office |
Anmeldung | Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Anmeldungsinformation im Programm. |
Neben der Vorstellung von einzelnen Projekten wird eine Podiumsdisukussion mit Vertretern von NGOs und der Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (DEZA/SDC) stattfinden.
Hintergrund zu Development and Cooperation der KFH
The KFH has established a Coordination Office to promote cooperation in teaching and research between universities of applied sciences (UAS) and universities of teacher education (UTE) and developing and transition (D&T) countries. This Coordination Office supports the implementation of the KFH approved strategy on applied research and teaching in partnership with developing and transition countries.
- Organizing a network of lecturers from the UAS and UTE, who are interested in questions of cooperation with D&T countries in matters related to teaching, research and service.
- Completing the SDC program entitled ‘Promotion of Research Partnerships of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences with developing and transition countries’.
- Identifying additional funding sources for teaching and research partnerships with D&T countries.
- Supplying services to members of the network.
- Supporting working groups which are formed in the context of the network.
- Exchanging information and experience with members and non-members.
- Organizing conferences and continuing education events for members of the network.
- Representing the network in public.
- Maintaining contacts with other institutions and networks similar or identical in nature, especially with those involving universities.
Weitere Informationen:
- Details zur Veranstaltung und Anmeldung (pdf)
- Homepage des KFH Development and Cooperation Office
- Frühere Beiträge zum Thema Development and Cooperation