Workshop on International Research Partnerships between Switzerland and Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam
11-12 June 2014, Singapore ETH Centre SEC, Singapore
The workshop aims at exploring the potential for bilateral research collaboration between Switzerland and countries in Southeast Asia, in particular with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
The programme is designed to help identify mutual scientific interests and potential research collaboration mechanisms tailored to each country’s unique education, research and innovation landscape. Central to the exploration will be the researchers’ perspective and how bilaterally funded partnerships could benefit their research and innovation activities. Participants from various stakeholder groups will engage in this discussion: scientists, research managers, representatives of funding agencies and policy advisors.
To encourage the exchange of ideas speakers from Korea and Singapore will present two Asian success stories of S&T and national innovation system development.
Furthermore, some recent and ongoing Swiss-Asian research projects will be presented. Various interactive sessions and social events will give ample opportunity to interact and network with counterparts from Switzerland and the region.
Further Information
Guten Tag Frau Messerli
Zwischenzeitlich haben wir das Programm ziemlich stark umgestellt und eine eigene Webseite veröffentlicht. Der Workshop dauert nur noch 2 Tage. Deshalb bitte ich Sie das neue Programm zu veröffentlichen, das auf unserer Webseite zum download zur Verfügung steht.
Vielen Dank und freundliche Grüsse
Patricia Heuberger
Sehr geehrte Frau Heuberger
Vielen Dank für Ihre Information. Der Blogbeitrag ist nun aktualisiert.
Freundliche Grüsse
Astrid Messerli