eduhub webinar: «The Solution Finder Model»

eduhubThe webinar will be presented by Nicole Bittel and Willi Bernhard from the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences in Brig, on Thursday, January 23, 2014, from 11.00 h to 12.00 h. They will present the Solution Finder Model, a method for developing collaborative solutions of high quality in multidisciplinary teams.

Today’s institutions face the increasing need of being fast and flexible in managing their business. Thereby, managing processes like revising, updating and expanding are knowledge-intensive tasks, since they require human experience, expertise, decision-making and creativity, among other factors (see Marjanovic & Freeze 2012). Considering the multidisciplinary and heterogeneous backgrounds of stakeholders involved in these processes, solutions therefore need to be carried out collaboratively, but yet without investing unlimited time resources.

The Solution Finder Model offers a simple method to come to shared solutions of high quality within a short time by guiding through a cybernetic triad of need, objective and solution.

In the first part of the webinar the model’s theoretical foundation will be introduced and concrete use cases will be described, before the model is going to be explored with some hands-on activities.

Further information

Schlagwörter: FFHS Brig, Webinar

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