“Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” Calls 2022 in Horizon Europe – Information and Brokerage Event

Horizon Europe offers many interesting funding opportunities for projects in Social Sciences and Humanities. On 18 January 2022, an information and networking event will inform you about Horizon Europe 2022 calls in “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” cluster and give you a special opportunity to pitch and network with others Swiss researchers and innovators. More […]

Horizon Europe Networking Event – Clusters 1, 4, 5, 6

On the 17th/18th February 2022, the conference “Successful R&I in Europe 2022” will take place. The event is dedicated to researchers and entrepreneurs seeking new European research and innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon Europe projects. There will be parallel sessions on seven topics:Cluster 1: Health Cluster 4: Digital (ICT)Cluster 4: Industry (Materials)Cluster 5: EnergyCluster 5: […]

Pre-Announcement: 8th South Korea –Switzerland call for Joint Innovation Projects

The Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) are happy to to pre-announce their joint call 2022 to fund science-based innovation projects between Switzerland and South Korea.  This pre-announcement is to invoke interest of potential applicants to explore project ideas as well as collaboration opportunities with potential partners. That is why we invite […]

Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society (Cluster 2) Information Day and Brokerage Event

A Cluster 2 information day is planned for 7th December and a brokerage event for 8th December.  The information day will give both information on the Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society work programme as well as general tips and advice for applicants. The brokerage event will provide opportunities to meet and liaise with researchers internationally. […]

Die ZHAW an der UN-Klimakonferenz in Glasgow

English version see below Mit Regina Betz, Leiterin des Center for Energy and the Environment (CEE), und Thomas Rötger vom Zentrum für Aviatik war die ZHAW auch bei der diesjährigen, wichtigen UN-Klimakonferenz in Glasgow (COP26) mit einer Delegation vertreten. An einem Side Event der Konferenz präsentierte Regina Betz Ergebnisse aus zwei aktuellen Forschungsprojekten des CEE. […]

Erfolgreicher Hack Winterthur 2021

Am Hack Winterthur 2021 waren rund 90 Teilnehmende angetreten, um sich den Aufgaben in vier vorgegebenen „Challenges“ zu stellen und innerhalb von 48 Stunden Lösungen dafür zu entwickeln. Im Mittelpunkt standen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, aber auch der Wissensaustausch, viele persönliche Begegnungen und Erfahrungen, sowie jede Menge Spass kamen an den drei Tagen nicht […]

Applying Design Thinking to Advancing SDGs in South Asia

Join us for a three-week online academy aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and for the better translation of this knowledge into action. Using key concepts from design thinking in combination with peer to peer learning (across contexts and disciplines) we will enable converting cutting edge-knowledge pertaining to SDGs […]

Basic Training on EU Research, Development & Innovation Opportunities

Are you a newcomer to European funding? Would you like to get an overview of funding and partnering opportunities on EU level and meet the National Contact Points (NCPs) of different EU programmes?    More information and registration here.  Schlagwörter: Basic Training on EU Research, European funding, overview of funding and partnering opportunities on EU […]

European Commission Digital, Industry & Space Info Days

The European Commission is holding the Info Days for Cluster 4 – Digital, Industry & Space. The event, running from the 29th November to the 1st December 2021, aims to inform (potential) applicants about topics included in the Cluster 4 ‘Digital, Industry and Space’ work programme of 2022. More information Schlagwörter: Digital Industry Space, Info Days […]