CSF – call for proposals 2022 – Congressi Stefano Franscini (ETH Zürich), Monte Verità, Ascona

Please find the CSF call for proposal 2022. The Congressi Stefano Franscini supports the organizers of international conferences, workshops or ETH doctoral schools financially and organisationally. The goal is to enable unique meeting experience for scientific top-level researchers in a beautiful, historically interesting location. Deadline for application is 15th January 2021. Schlagwörter: Call for Proposals, […]

Webinar on Access to RI in Environmental Sciences

Access the best Research Infrastructures (RI) in Europe to perform your research! In this one hour webinar you will hear all about the open calls and how to successfully apply for access to the RIs ASSEMBLE Plus and EUROCHAMP. The webinar will take place on 8 July 2020, at 11:00. Further Information Schlagwörter: Access to […]

8. Swiss Green Economy Symposium

Mit Dialog und Eigensinn zur Nachhaltigkeit 1. September 2020 in Winterthur Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, am umfassendsten Symposium für Wirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit in der Schweiz, dem 8. Swiss Green Economy Symposium, am Dienstag, 01.09.2020 in Winterthur teilzunehmen. Am SGES Symposium treffen sich Entscheider, Umsetzer und Innovatoren aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft, die sich mit […]

Green Deal Call – National Online Info Event

25-08-2020, 09:00 – 14:20 Get an insight into the different topics that will be funded in this last Horizon 2020 call! The Green Deal call is a 1 billion EUR funding opportunity put in place by the European Commission in order to kick-start the activities necessary to implement the Green Deal policy. Schlagwörter: Green Deal […]

Interdepartementale Arbeitsgruppe a+ hat ihre Arbeit aufgenommen

Wie bereits im F&E-Newsletter vom Dezember 2019 zu lesen war, hat sich an der ZHAW im Rahmen der Mitgliedschaft im Netzwerk «a+ Swiss Platform Ageing Society» der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz sowie hinsichtlich der begonnenen «WHO Decade on Healthy Ageing» eine interdepartementale Arbeitsgruppe gebildet, welche während der WHO-Dekade die ZHAW-interne Vernetzung sowie die Informationsflüsse koordiniert […]

Webinar for the New Horizon 2020 Call on Green Deal

28-05-2020, 10:00–11:00 The EC will be launching an additional call with pre-defined topics under Horizon 2020, dedicated to priorities of its Green Deal policy. In the process of developing the call contents the EC gives all stakeholders a unique opportunity to comment on a first sketch of topic texts, which are made public for this […]

Online Hackathon #VersusVirus (second iteration): 28.05. – 31.05.2020

48 hours. A new evolution of the Covid-19 crisis in Switzerland. In Europe. Worldwide. You and your teammates, a whole Country, contributing safely from home. Keep finding solutions together! Engage the community and help Switzerland to emerge more robust to a “New Normal” life after this crisis. With this hackathon, we give you the chance […]

ECSEL Web Conference: Key Digital Technologies

ECSEL is the EU-driven partnership for Electronic Component and Systems for European Leadership. The ECSEL Symposium 2020 in Brussels, exceptionally in the form of an online conference on 24 June 2020, will address pressing issues concerning Digital Transformation like EU’s digital sovereignty, opportunities for digital industries or financial resources in Key Digital Technologies. Further Information […]

Call for Paper: Neue Potentiale der Mixed Reality und ihre Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen

Prof. Dr. Thomas Keller und Dr. Roger Seiler, Dozenten für Wirtschaftsinformatik dürfen an der nächsten Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 2021) ihren eigenen Minitrack zum Thema Mixed Reality und dessen Einfluss auf Unternehmen hosten. In diesem Rahmen möchten sie gerne euch, liebe Mitarbeiter, dazu aufrufen, Paper einzureichen! Schlagwörter: Augmented Reality, Call for Paper, […]

Proposal Check Event for ICT Calls in Horizon 2020

The European network of ICT National Contact Points (IDEAL-IST) is holding a Proposal Check Event for the first H2020 ICT calls in 2020. The event offers proposers a chance to improve the quality of project proposals based on feedback from experienced external experts and National Contact Points. The event aims to transfer useful knowledge and […]