Academia-Industry Training Camps

The AIT programme aims to support scientists in transforming their high-level applied research into market application and discovering their entrepreneurial potential. By connecting scientists from top institutions in Switzerland and India, the program promotes an international network and enables access to one of the most promising markets and intellectual capitals in applied research. Open to […]

Open-Access-Datenbank: SNF wird Mitglied von Europe PMC

Der SNF macht Open Access noch einfacher: Neu ist er Mitglied des Dienstes Europe PMC. Dieser unterhält die weltweit grösste Datenbank für Biomedizin. Vom SNF geförderte Forschende können in der Datenbank ihre Artikel ablegen und machen sie dadurch kostenlos zugänglich. Die Forschungsresultate werden besser sichtbar. Manche Verlage werden alle Artikel von SNF-Forschenden automatisch bei Europe […]

Call for Seed Money Grants with ASEAN Member States

Deadline: 19 August 2018 Grant sum: max. 10 kCHF Project duration: up to 12 months Eligible countries: ASEAN member states (except Singapore)1: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam   1Singapore is not part of the current call, as scientific cooperation between Singapore and Switzerland is already well established.   Goals […]

Information Day on the Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation (SEWP)

Register now and learn about your opportunities to participate in SEWP during this event organised by the European Commission on 18 June 2018 in Brussels. The SEWP Programme specifically targets European Countries with a lower perfomance in Research and Innovation. These countries are referred to as Widening* countries. 3 different measures (Teaming, Twinning and ERA […]

Partner Offer for Horizon 2020: Innovative and Citizen-driven Food System Approaches in Cities

The “Organisation européenne de la santé” OES is looking to join consortia.     The OES is looking to become partner in the following topic: CE-SFS-24-2019: Innovative and citizen-driven food system approaches in cities The contribution of OES could be the following: Schlagwörter: CE-SFS-24-2019, Innovative and citizen-driven food system approaches

3. Juli 2018: Innovations-Apéro – Technopark Winterthur, Winterthur

«Wissen für alle» – ein innovatives Medienmodell Fake News gehen siebenmal schneller um die Welt als Fakten. Weil sie attraktiv und verständlich sind – und gratis. Diesem Trend tritt ein Winterthurer Medien-KMU unter dem Brand „higgs“ mit einem neuen Informations-Modell entgegen. Es definiert Wissen als Allgemeingut und baut dafür ein neues Verteil- und Finanzierungssystem auf. […]

University of Geneva – Swiss Leading House for Science & Technology Cooperation

Call for Projects – Seed Funding Grants           Deadline : 14. July 2018 This Call for Projects is designed to provide seed funding for projects between academic actors in Switzerland and Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongoliy, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Projects may be submitted in any scientific discipline. Detailed Informations:     […]

Horizon 2020 – European Food & Agriculture Call Information Day & Brokerage Event

Registrations now open! Learn more about calls 2019 and find potential partners for applications under the upcoming Societal Challenge 2 (SC2) and KET-Biotechnology calls for proposals at these events taking place on 25-26 June 2018 in Brussels. The European Commission is holding an Information Day on the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 (Food security, sustainable […]