Save the date! Open Information Day on the Last Health Horizon 2020 Calls

The Health Horizon Open Info Day on the last Health calls will take place in Brussels on 3 July 2019. The Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 1 work programme for 2020 (2020 Health calls) will offer calls for proposals with an overall budget of about €650 million.  Further Information   Schlagwörter: Health Horizon 2020 Call, information […]

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Call is Now Open!

Deadline: 11. September 2019 Are you a talented researcher planning your next career move? Individual Fellowships support the mobility of experienced resesearchers. This call aims at individual researchers who wish to carry out a research project up to 2 years abroad. Researchers can have any nationality, but must move from one country to another. Schlagwörter: […]

Innovations-Apéro: Franchising – eine alternative Expansionsstrategie auch für Startups

04.06.2019, 17:45 – 21:00, Technopark Winterthur, Eingang C, EG, Konferenzsaal   Franchising: Wie heute auch Tech- Social-, Green- und Kultur-Unternehmen mit Partnern erfolgreich expandieren Die Maker Faire ( ist ein Festival für digitales Handwerk und neue Technologien und expandiert weltweit nach dem Franchise-Prinzip. Ebenso das Münchner Hofbräuhaus, das Museum Louvre und das Schweizer Unternehmen BBR-Network, […]

Partnering Event for Horizon 2020 Topics – 27 June 2019

  Looking for a partner or a consortium for a Horizon 2020 topic in the area of Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology or Production (NMBP)? Register now and come to the brokerage event in Strassbourg, France. Schlagwörter: Advanced Materials, Biotechnology or Production (NMBP), Nanotechnology, Partnering Event

Funding Opportunities for Research Projects in Health, Digital Health, Care and Clinical Research in Basel

09-05-2019, 16:45 in Basel The aim of this event is to provide researchers in the fields of life sciences, digital Health and related areas of clinical research, an overview of funding opportunities for research projects. In 2019/2020 the final Calls for proposals under the European framework programme Horizon 2020 will be published. Within the “Health, […]

Watch Out: M-ERA.NET Call 2019 – Deadline: 18 June 2019

M-ERA.NET, large network and a powerful tool to tackle European and global challenges in materials research, has launched a new call! M-ERA.NET a network of 40 funding organisations from Europe and beyond – including Switzerland (Innosuisse) – has launched a call for transnational RTD projects in material research and innovation. Schlagwörter: M-ERA.NET Call 2019, RTD […]

RICH Symposium “From Work Programme 2020 Calls to Horizon Europe”

Interested in the 2020 topics of the Research Infrastructures (RI) Work Programme? Want to know more about the future of RI in Horizon Europe? Come and attend the symposium on 14 May 2019 in Brussels. The morning is dedicated to presentations of the topics in the RI Work Programme for the 2020 deadlines, followed by […]

Webinar on the Individual Fellowships of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

24-04-2019, 10:00–11:00 in Bern Basic Information on the European and Global Fellowships.     The 2019 call for proposals for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowships opens on 11 April 2019 with a deadline on 11 September 2019. There are two types of MSCA Fellowships: The European and the Global Fellowship. Both of them target […]

SME Instrument Applicants’ Training

09-04-2019, 09:30–16:30 in Zürich   This full day event will provide practical information on proposal writing and submission for SME Instrument Proposals (Phase 1 and Phase 2).   What will be discussed? Targeted and detailed information and advice for planning and writing an SME Instrument proposal. For whom? All those planning to submit an SME […]