Position Paper on Social Sciences and Humanities in “Horizon Europe”

The working group Research On Societies in Europe (ROSE) calls for an approporiate consideration of the Social Sciences and Humanities in the next European Framework Programme Horizon Europe. ROSE is a working group of German EU-Liaison officers aiming at strengthening the role of research on societies in the European Research Area. In its position paper, […]

Pre-Publication of the 2019 Health Work Programme Update

The official publication of the work programme is scheduled for mid-July The European Commission has recently published a “pre-publication version” of the 2019 work programme update for the societal challenge “Health, demographic change and wellbeing”. The update encompasses a revised version of the topic SC1-BHC-01-2019 (understanding causative mechanisms in co- and multimorbidities) together with the […]

National Information Event on the ERC Synergy Grant

21-08-2018, 14:15–16:30 in Bern ERC Synergy Grants enable 2-4 top researchers with complimentary skills and knowledge to jointly address a research problem of their choice in unconventional ways. After a pilot in 2012 and 2013, the ERC decided to re-introduce the Synergy Grant to its portfolio in 2017. The second call since its re-introduction (ERC-2019-SyG) […]

Why the Horizon 2020 Programme SEWP could be relevant for you?

Do you already have a collaboration with a Widening country and seek funding for further networking? Are you planing to start a cooperation with a Widening country? Watch this short webinar to be informed on SEWP funding opportunities and on the upcoming Twinning call. The Horizon 2020 Programme “Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation (SEWP)” specifically […]

Horizon 2020 Applicants Training for Food Agriculture

Euresearch is organising a Health applicants training on 23 August 2018. This training is also open for Food, Agriculture applicants. The training adresses in first priority Horizon 2020 Health applicants. Food, Agriculture applicants can profit from the training as well because the evaluation criteria are largely equal. This training adresses Food, Agriculture applicants who plan […]

Five Questions, One Project: ZHAW Helps Young Swiss Companies Find Investors in Asia

In the context of the bilateral science and technology cooperation of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) with Asia, for which ETH Zurich acts as Leading House, Max Weber from the ZHAW Center for Asia Business has been asked to promote young Swiss entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia. He is developing a […]

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie – Call for papers

Intersektionen zwischen Alter und Migration: aktuelle Trends und Herausforderungen Eingabefrist: 20.09.2018 Die Phänomene Alter und Migration fordern moderne Gegenwartsgesellschaften heraus.. Auch wenn es sich auf den ersten Blick um unterschiedliche Dynamiken handelt, sind die Intersektionen zwischen demographischer Alterung und zunehmender Migration vielfältig. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Intersektionen zwischen Alter und Migration verweist auf zentrale Herausforderungen moderner […]


Eingabefrist: 03.09.2018 Das Agora Instrument will die Wissensverbreitung sowie den Austausch von Ideen und Meinungen über wissenschaftliche Forschung fördern. Demnach werden Projekte gefördert, die Interaktionen und gegenseitiges Zuhören beinhalten und so einen Dialog zwischen den Forschenden und der Bevölkerung in Gang setzen. Es werden Beträge zwischen 5’000 und 200’000 Franken vergeben für Projekt die sowohl […]

NFP 73 lanciert zweite Ausschreibung

Eingabefrist: 29.08.2018 Die zweite Ausschreibung des NFP 73 ″Nachhaltige Wirtschaft″ sucht Projekte, die verbliebene Forschungslücken schliessen. Die ersten Projekte des NFP 73 sind auf Anfang 2018 gestartet. Sie decken eine grosse Bandbreite an Forschungsfragen ab. Allerdings verbleiben zu einigen Themen Forschungslücken. Diese will die Leitungsgruppe des NFP 73 mit der zweiten Ausschreibung schliessen. Schlagwörter: Nachhaltige […]

European Commission Webinar on Upcoming Health Horizon 2020 Funding Opportunities

Save the date! On 12 July 2018, the European Commission is organising a webinar to present the 2019 funding opportunities of the health, demographic change and wellbeing societal challenge. This half-day event (9:00-12:00) will only be webstreamed. The link will be published on this page a week before the event. The programme will be online […]