Horizon Europe in a Nutshell

Are you curious to know what comes after Horizon 2020? Get a first impression of the main components of the new EU framework programme for research and innovation during our short info event on 10 December 2020, 10:00 – 11:30. The event is taking place online and is open to all persons working in Switzerland. […]

European Cybersecurity Challenges (Online Event)

This Swiss Innovation Briefing discusses how the European Commission aims to improve the EU’s cybersecurity capacity. It is organised by the Mission of Switzerland to the EU, SwissCore and the National Research Council of Italy. The focus of this briefing will be on the Cybersecurity Competence Center and the integration of cybersecurity into the upcoming […]

SNIS: Annual Call for Projects

The Call offers project grants for pluri-disciplinary teams working on international studies. The SNIS (Swiss Network for International Studies) supports pluri-disciplinary projects in the social sciences and pluri-disciplinary projects that combine natural and social sciences. The SNIS does not support pluri-disciplinary projects that only consist of natural sciences. The SNIS does not fund individual grants, […]

Inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum

The inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum will take place on 15-20 November 2021. Shaw Laureates and distinguished scientists will spend a week in Hong Kong interacting with about 200 young scientists from around the world, sharing their views, experience and aspirations in various scientific fields. The week of programme will consist of world-class intellectual seminars, […]

Green Deal Call: Information Event for Applicants

25-11-2020, 09:30 – 11:20 This webinar provides information on how to target a Green Deal Call topic in order to submit a proposal. Participants to this webinar should have already identified a concrete topic and ideally be involved in a corresponding consortium. The event is only open for researchers and other stakeholders based in Switzerland.  […]

ICT and CHIST-ERA Topic Consultation

The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) programme CHIST-ERA is calling for topic ideas in view of its 2021 call. The topic should be ambitious and lead to technology breakthrough. CHIST-ERA is a pathfinder programme for European coordinated research on future and emerging information and communication technologies. In preparation for the 2021 call of CHIST-ERA, a […]

DSI Excellence Program for PhD Students

Die Digital Society Initiative (DSI) startet im Herbstsemester 2021 die zweite Runde des DSI Exzellenzprogramms für Doktorierende als ergänzendes Angebot zu den Doktoratsstudiengängen der Universität Zürich (UZH). Dies ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit für angehende und  beginnende Doktorierende aller Disziplinen, digitale Kompetenzen sowie interdisziplinäres Denken und Fähigkeiten in einem disziplinübergreifenden Umfeld aufzubauen, zu vertiefen und zu […]

India-Switzerland Online Experience Exchange on Health and Environment

The Leading House South Asia and Iran is happy to invite you to participate in an online experience exchange session jointly organized by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) in India and the Leading House South Asia and Iran at ZHAW. The details are as follows: Topic: Health and Environment Date: Tuesday, November […]