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Pre-Announcement of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Call 2015

AAL supports innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects with clear market orientation As part of the work programme, the Ambient Assisted Living Programme (AAL) intends to launch in February 2015 a new Challenge Led Call for Proposals “Living active and independently at home”. Schlagwörter: AAL, Ausschreibungen, Euresearch, Veranstaltungen extern

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New Open Call in Preparation by the COST Association

Pre-Announcement The COST Committee of Senior Officials has decided on the outline of the new evaluation and selection procedures as well as the scientific structure of COST in its September Meeting in Brussels. All endeavours are undertaken to have the Open Call official announcement published before end November, the procedures for submission of proposals ready […]

ETH Zürich

Call for pilot activities with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam

Researchers from Switzerland belonging to a university, a university of applied sciences, a university of teachers’ education or a public research institute are eligible to apply. Grants for the following instruments are available: People exchange Conferences and workshops Seed funding for initiating larger joint activities Schlagwörter: Call, ETH Zürich


Joint EUREKA call for projects Belgium-Switzerland

Belgium and Switzerland are jointly announcing a bilateral call for outlines for joint innovation projects under the EUREKA individual projects and Eurostars instruments. The call is open to all topics, but focuses on medical technologies, manufacturing and aeronautics. Projects proposed must have an obvious advantage resulting from the cooperation between the participants from the two […]