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Ambizione Energy und Assistant Professor Energy Grants

Der SNF schreibt zum letzten Mal Ambizione Energy-Beiträge sowie Assistant Professor Energy Grants aus. Ambizione Energy – Ambizione-Energy-Beiträge richten sich an junge Forscherinnen und Forscher, die ein selbstständig geplantes Grundlagenforschungsprojekt im Energiebereich mit oder ohne Anwendungsorientierung durchführen wollen. Schlagwörter: Ausschreibung SNF


ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant Applicants Training for SH Researchers

19-09-2016, 13:15–16:30 in Bern (only for social sciences and humanities researchers (SH) applying to the open call) Participants are expected to work on a submission to the open Starting and Consolidator Grant call, plan to submit with a host institution in Switzerland within a social sciences and humanities researchers panel and be familiar with the […]

AAL Programme

AAL Forum 2016 Matchmaking Event in St. Gallen

26–28-09-2016, 09:00–17:00 in St. Gallen On the occasion of the AAL Forum 2016 in St. Gallen, an important international conference dealing with assistive technologies for older people, the Enterprise Europe Network Switzerland invites you to participate in the international brokerage event. Schlagwörter: AAL Forum, Workshop


ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant Applicants Training

20-09-2016, 13:15–16:30 in Bern (Only for Researchers Applying to the Open Call) During this training, you will get information and tips on the different parts of the application. Participants are expected to work on a submission to the open Starting and Consolidator Grant call, plan to submit with a Host Institution in Switzerland and be familiar with […]


Call for „Research Projects in Science, Technology and Innovation, linked to Mexican scientists and technologists based abroad“

The Mexican government, through the Sectorial Research Fund of the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), has recently launched a call for „Research Projects in Science, Technology and Innovation, linked to Mexican scientists and technologists based abroad“. Schlagwörter: Call, Mexicans abroad