Webinar on Funding for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Transport Projects – ELENA

03-06-2020, 10:00 – 11:00 in Bern The funding programme ELENA is the right opportunity for you if you are a public or private entity pursuing an energy efficiency or sustainable transport project. This event provides information about the funding programme “European Local Energy Assistance” (ELENA). ELENA provides grants for implementation projects focused of energy efficiency, […]

How to Innovate NOW Workshop Monday, May 4, 2020

5–6pm CET (Switzerland)  We have a whole new Digital Imperative in our companies and organizations brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. But launching an innovative product is always an experiment in search of a business model. So how do you ensure success? Instead of trying to immediately generate revenue using their existing sales force, companies […]

#VersusVirus, der 48-Stunden-Hackathon am 3. bis 5. April gegen #COVID19!

Treten wir COVID-19 gemeinsam mit mutigen und innovativen Ideen entgegen: Darum geht es bei #VersusVirus, dem schweizweiten Hackathon unter der Schirmherrschaft des Eidgenössischen Departements des Innern (EDI). Als Mitinitiantin und Partner der Gemeinschaftsaktion rufen wir alle Verwaltungen auf, ihre Herausforderungen einzugeben und sie von den besten Köpfen der Schweiz in 48 Stunden bearbeiten zu lassen. […]

Project “We Scientists Shape Science”: Small changes today for better research tomorrow

What do the publishing system, research integrity, work-life balance, academic recognition, equal opportunities, promoting team science, implementing open data policies have in common? They are all part of research culture! Our modern academic system can foster doubtful practices. Nevertheless, positive change in our working environments is possible. The Swiss Academy of Sciences has produced the […]

2020 UN Global Climate Action Awards – Call for Applications

Apply Now for the UN Global Climate Action Awards! The UN Global Climate Action Awards is searching for organizations, cities, industries, universities, governments, and others that are taking bold leadership on climate change. From 5 February until 30 April 2020, Initiatives or projects working to combat climate change can nominate their work for a UN […]

Call for Papers and Projects: Tagung “Figurationen von Öffentlichkeit: Gestaltete und angeeignete öffentliche Räume in Zeiten gesellschaftlicher Polarisierung” vom 4./5. Juni 2020

Im Mittelpunkt der Tagung stehen die öffentlichen Räume, wie sie in Stadtlandschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts zu beobachten sind. Dabei soll dem Zusammenwirken von Gestaltung/Planung und Aneignung/Belebung von Stadträumen besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden. Bis zum 29. Februar 2020 können Beiträge dazu eingereicht werden. Schlagwörter: Call for papers, Öffentliche Räume, Stadtlandschaften, Tagung

IMI2 – Call 20 Topics, Webinar Registration Open

IMI2 – Call 20 includes topics on cancer, tuberculosis, psoriasis, vaccines and more and offers webinars from 22 to 31 January 2020. There are webinars on all call topics as well as IMI’s rules and procedures and opportunities for SMEs in IMI2 – Call 20. More Information and Registration (registration is free but obligatory via […]