Electronics Brokerage Event on 14-15 January in Brussels

Find your potential partner for research and innovation for your project idea in the field of Electronic Components and Systems with the ECS brokerage event. This networking event combines the brokerage activities of the European industry associations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS into one networking event. It facilitates the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) communities and […]

Sperrfristen: offener Brief an Verlage

Ab 2020 sollen alle Publikationen aus SNF-finanzierter Forschung spätestens nach sechs Monaten frei zugänglich sein. In einem offenen Brief fordert der SNF grosse Verlage auf, ihre Sperrfristen zu verkürzen. Schlagwörter: offener Brief an Verlage, Verkürzung von Sperrfristen bei Verlagen

NFP 77 “Digitale Transformation”: Zweitausschreibung

Eingabefrist: 20.04.2020 Das NFP 77 will die Wirkungszusammenhänge sowie die konkreten Auswirkungen der digitalen Transformation in der Schweiz untersuchen. Das Forschungsprogramm umfasst folgende drei aufeinander abgestimmte Module: Bildung, Lernen und digitaler Wandel Ethik, Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Governance Digitale Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt Das NFP 77 hat ein Budget von 30 Millionen Franken und die Forschungsphase dauert fünf […]

Brokerage and Knowledge Event for Science with and for Society

This event will take place on 16 January 2020 in Brussels and will provide information and networking opportunities to stakeholders interested in the Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society programme. Schlagwörter: Brokerage Event, Knowledge Event, Science with and for Society

Life Science Zurich Impact – The Cause of Health B2B

03-02-2020, 09:00–17:00 in Zürich Focus on pathogens, nutrition, healthy aging, AI for lifesciences and novel therapies Participants from academia, clinics, pharma, biotech, medtech, digital health, and IT companies (research, business development, in-licensing), corporate funds and venture capitalists are invited to participate in a brokerage event that will be run in conjunction with this conference and […]

Webinar on the Last Horizon 2020 Calls for Smart Mobility

19-12-2019, 10:00–11:00 in Bern   This webinar discusses opportunities for researchers and companies in the field of mobility and transport. The focus is on collaborative research projects in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme “Smart, green and integrated transport” with deadline on 21 April 2020. Agenda Additional information on the open calls can be found here. […]