AAL Call 6: ICT-based Solutions for Supporting Occupation in Life of Older Adults

The AAL Association is pleased to pre-launch the Sixth Call for Proposals of the AAL JP with the topic “ICT-based Solutions for Supporting Occupation in Life of Older Adults”. The text of this call is available here. Please notice that the EU and national commitments are still not finalised in this document and will be included in the version officially launched on 31 January 2013.

In the context of the upcoming AAL Call 6 for proposals, we would like to remind you of the following information and networking events:

These events address all stakeholders interested in participating in the upcoming AAL Call 6; they will give an overview of the AAL Joint Programme, provide essential information on Call 6 (focus areas, application procedure, funding rules etc.) and present a showcase of a running AAL project. They further feature networking sessions to give potential project partners from different fields and countries the opportunity to discuss their project ideas and establish valuable contacts.

Finally, we are pleased to inform you that the call text is already available in a pre-published version here. The final version will be officially published on 31 January 2013.

Further Information:

NCP AAL Joint Programme Barbla Rüegg, Contact details of the Swiss AAL Office: Tel. 031 322 93 33 swiss.aal“at“sbfi.admin.ch

Schlagwörter: AAL, Alter, Gesundheit, ICT

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