AAL Call 2011: Enhancing Mobility of Older Persons through ICT Based Innovations

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Expected Call publication: 31 March 2011 Kategorie: FoodAgriBiotech, ICT, Transport, Research for SMEs

Working title: „Enhancing Mobility of Older Persons through ICT Based Innovations”

Call objective: Enhance the mobility of older adults (with a positive effect on social and economic independence as well as on physical and mental health).

Key aspects

Orientation and Navigation – empower mobility in the social context.

Basic Mobility – adapted environment or assistive technologies.

Home Training – prevent loss of physical mobility.

Planned call publication date: 31 March 2011 (call will open for 3 months).

Weitere Informationen: bei der AAL Homepage und beim

National Contact Point (NCP) CH
Daniel Egloff, OPET (BBT), European Cooperation
Email: daniel.egloff@bbt.admin.ch
Tel. +41 (0)31 322 8415

Schlagwörter: AAL

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