Swiss Network for International Studies: Sixth Call for Projects

The Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) launches its sixth call for projects. The SNIS offers project grants for pluri-disciplinary research teams. The project grants run for two years and range from 100’000 to 300’000 Swiss Francs. Deadline for the submission of the proposals is 16th January 2013.


To be eligible for funding, project proposals must qualify as:

  1. International studies: Projects carry out research on global issues that are either relevant in the international arena or at least concern multiple countries simultaneously. The SNIS considers that International Studies deal not only with the analysis of international relations, but also with political, economic, social, environmental, legal, health, scientific and development issues.
  2. Pluri-disciplinary studies: Projects are pluri-disciplinary and they can include disciplines from the social and natural sciences. In addition to the above criteria the SNIS strongly encourages collaborations with International Organizations and NGOs.

Thematically, submissions can be made in one of the following two sections:

  1. General call: In any area of international studies as defined above.
  2. Special theme 2013: Global issues in a time of high volatility. The world is currently characterized by many different and interlocking forms of volatility; fluctuating commodity and energy prices, financial crashes, climate change and natural disasters, social and political upheavals such as those witnessed in Libya, Syria and Mali, and mass population movements. How and how effectively is the international community responding to such phenomena? How are the roles “distributed” between the global, regional and local actors ? How can International Organizations, NGOs and civil society contribute to managing volatility?

Further information



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