SSH in Horizon Europe: Cluster 2 Work Programme Published, Information Day and Brokerage Event Planned

Calling all researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities! The ‚work programme‘ (or list of new calls for grants available in Horizon Europe) has just been published for Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society.  An Information Day will be held to give you more details about these calls and how to apply to them […]

Transformations to Sustainability Call with a Focus on Social Sciences and the Humanities

This programme will foster the specific contribution of Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) to answering the diverse challenges of sustainability. The programme ”Transformations to Sustainability” (T2S) is launched by The Belmont Forum and NORFACE. T2S will contribute to re-structuring the broad field of sustainability research by placing Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) at […]


ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant Applicants Training for SH Researchers

19-09-2016, 13:15–16:30 in Bern (only for social sciences and humanities researchers (SH) applying to the open call) Participants are expected to work on a submission to the open Starting and Consolidator Grant call, plan to submit with a host institution in Switzerland within a social sciences and humanities researchers panel and be familiar with the […]