Offene Wissenschaft – nicht nur in der Krise nötig

Dass eine offene Wissenschaft der Normalfall werden muss, fordern der SNF und andere Organisationen seit Jahren. Die Corona-Krise bestätigt die Richtigkeit dieser Forderung auf drastische Weise. Nur wenige Tage nachdem das Virus Sars-CoV-2 im Januar 2020 in China identifiziert wurde, waren Details seiner Struktur schon online und konnten weltweit zur Suche nach Lösungen genutzt werden.Resultate […]

12 June 2018: Swiss Research Data Day 2018

“The Swiss research data landscape: challenges and opportunities” #SRDD2018 will gather notable speakers from a wide variety of fields to discuss practices around handling, managing, and sharing research data. In addition, there will be opportunities to showcase your work and for networking at an extended lunchtime poster session. Further information and registration Schlagwörter: DLCM, Open […]

Research Integrity and Open Data event on 23 November 2017 in Bern

In this event we will discuss current tendencies on Research Integrity and Open Data. On a European level, the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 fosters these concepts in the areas Research Infrastructure and Science with and for Society. In Switzerland, Research Integrity and Open Data are important issues for institutions such as the National Science Foundation […]

Workshop on «Data management & Open Data»

22 May 2017, (9:00 – 18:00) – Département des neurosciences fondamentales – Auditoire This workshop on «Data management & Open Data» is part of the Lemanic “Open Science & reproducibility” workshop series that aims at educating researchers from UNIL, CHUV, EPFL, UNIGE and HUG to the notion of Open Science in order to improve transparency […]