enterprise europe network

Horizon 2020 Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency & Eco-Innovation Brokerage Event

Focus on H2020 calls relevant to the circular economy 22 June 2016, 09:00–18:00 in Liverpool The aim of this event is to support organisations to access this funding by developing innovative R&D projects. There will be opportunities for companies to meet new partners and consortium members for Horizon 2020 projects plus the opportunity to discuss […]

European Commission

Horizon 2020 – Applicants Training for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships

How to write a competitive proposal 24 May 2016, 09:30–17:30 in Bern This event is a one-day Training for researchers planning to apply to the 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Call. You will work with an example proposal, get insight into the evaluation process and have the possibility to learn from a successful applicant. Schlagwörter: EU […]

European Commission

Einstieg in die EU-Forschungsförderung als Gutachterin

Alle Anträge in Horizont 2020 werden im Peer-Review-Verfahren evaluiert. Wegen der großen Zahl an Ausschreibungen gibt es jedes Jahr einen hohen Bedarf an Gutachterinnen und Gutachtern. Die Europäische Kommission ruft Expertinnen und Experten dazu auf, sich im Teilnahmeportal (Participant Portal) mit einem eigenen Profil zu registrieren. Dies ist die Hauptquelle, über die Expertinnen und Experten angefragt werden. […]


Postponed Submisson Deadline to 7 June 2016 of Health SC1-PM-14-2016 Topic

The submission deadline of the Horizon 2020 topic SC1-PM-14-2016 “EU-Japan cooperation on Novel ICT Robotics based solutions for active and healthy ageing at home or in care facilities” has been postponed. This deadline extension takes into account the recent increase in funding opportunities in Japan due to the newly announced call for proposals by the […]