Swiss South African Joint Research Programme: Call for Proposals

The Swiss South African Joint Research Programme (SSAJRP) has started a call for proposals on research projects in public health and biomedicine, biotechnology and nanotechnology, greentech and cleantech, and humanities and social sciences. Deadline is February 28, 2013.


Grants for joint research projects are meant to promote collaborative projects with clearly defined goals involving
at least one Swiss and one South African partner. Applications should describe ambitious research and propose innovative approaches. The research is to be carried out at the research facilities involved; reciprocal visits and short stays in Switzerland for researchers from South Africa and vice-versa are also possible within a joint research project. The joint research projects can last up to 3 years.


Research fields

In order to make targeted use of the financial resources available, the following thematic areas
were chosen for this call:

  • Public Health and Biomedicine
  • Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
  • Greentech and Cleantech
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (in particular related to the other three thematic areas)

Proposals outside the thematic areas defined above will not be accepted. The maximum allowed budget for a project is of CHF 230,000.-.

Proposals are to be jointly prepared by Swiss and South African applicants. They must be submitted by the Swiss main applicant to the SNSF via its electronic submission system (mySNF, South African partners can have access to the electronic submission system through their Swiss partner.

Green and Cleantech Workshop

The Green and Cleantech Workshop, South Africa will take place on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th February 2013 in Pretoria.

This workshop will provide a unique opportunity for researchers active in the field of Green and Clean technology to meet their potential colleagues from South African research institutes and to jointly prepare a proposal.

Costs for attending this workshop will be borne by both the Swiss and the South African programme organizers.

Please send your mail with a short description of the Green and Cleantech project and your interest to participate to Dorina.Kuehner“at“

Further Information


Schlagwörter: Africa, Call, SSAJRP

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