Partner Search for Health Topic PHC-21-2015

Euresearch 300x100Wanted: strong ICT partner with expertise in software development and integration of IT systems.

This partner search is for topic PHC-21–2015: «Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: early risk detection and intervention».

The main goal is to develop a platform for web based monitoring of cognitive functions and intervention programmes. Such monitoring will be based both on the combination of computerized neuropsychological evaluation techniques together with multimodal techniques for the dynamic assessment of the user’s cognitive state. In addition to enabling early detection and intervention of age-related cognitive impairment, it aims to provide guidelines for designing interfaces for this population.

Type of partner(s) sought:
-Software developers and integrators
-End user for user need analyses and testing

Deadline of the call is on 21 April 2015.

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