Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2018

    15-09-2018 08:00–22:00 in Zurich     The Enterprise Europe Network invites you to participate in the Life Sciences Innovation Day 2018 meeting taking place on the 15th of September at ETH Zurich as a part of the first Open Innovation in Life Sciences conference. More Information & Registration Schlagwörter: biomedical, Enterprise Europe Network, […]

Information & Preparatory Events in India on EU-India Call “Next Generation Influenza Vaccine”

Information and project preparation events will be organised in four cities (New Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Pune) in India at the end of August and in September. The European Commission (EC) through the EU funding programme for research and innovation ‘Horizon 2020’ has committed €15 million and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, […]

IT for Research Day 2018

Wednesday 19 September 2018, 10:00 – 17:00h, University of Berne, Main Building, Kuppelraum We will present you with new perspectives in this special event. SWITCHengines, which was developed for the needs of Swiss researchers, is being enhanced in the SCALE-UP project (for a short summary see Both projects were granted start-up funding by swissuniversities’ […]

New Horizon 2020 Opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities!

The updated Work Programme of the Societal Challenge 6 (Inclusive Societies) includes new topics on cultural heritage, art, and governance with deadline in 2019. Deadline is 14 March 2019 The Societal Challenge 6 focuses on migration, socio-economic and cultural transformations in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and governance. For 2019, 24 topics are […]

Bio-Based Industries – Annual Activity Report 2017 is Published

The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking BBI JU, a strong public-private partnership has published its annual activity report 2017 2017 was a fundamental year for the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU): the organisation reached maturity and kept right on track to achieve the key objectives of de-risking investment, reaching critical mass and organising the value […]

Horizon 2020 Security Brokerage Event for Practitioners

This European Brokerage Event focuses on security topics in the context of the fight against crime and terrorism. The targeted audience are practitioners. The event takes place in Paris on 2 October 2018. The National Contact Point network SEREN4 and the French Ministry of the Interior invite you to a European networking event between practitioners. […]

Save the Date: Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 6 Brokerage Event

The Societal Challenge 6 Brokerage Event for topics with deadline in March 2019 will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 30 October 2018. The focus is on the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Don’t miss this special opportunity to get involved in the next Societal Challenge 6 proposals! The Brokerage Event consists of a morning […]

Update on the ERC Work Programme 2019

The ERC Work Programme 2019 will be published in mid-September 2018. The Starting Grant and Synergy Grant 2019 will open upon the Work Programme adoption. The ERC Work Programme 2019, originally planned for mid-July, should now be published in mid-September. Further information: Schlagwörter: ERC Work Programme 2019, Starting Grant and Synergy Grant 2019