Neue IBH-Ausschreibung “Wissenskommunikation und -transfer: Grosse Projekte”

Der Dialog mit Akteuren aus Wirtschaft, Kultur, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft ist wichtig, um die Sichtbarkeit von Projekten über die wissenschaftliche Community hinaus zu erhöhen und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in der Gesellschaft zu verankern. Grosse Projekte der Wissenskommunikation und des Wissenstransfers zielen deshalb darauf ab, den Austausch mit der Praxis zu initiieren bzw. zu intensivieren und Wissen […]

New Cross-KIC call “Circular Economy Strategy” now open

Circular Economy is currently one of the main strategic initiatives at European level. Moving to more circular economic models promises a much brighter future for the European economy. It would allow Europe to rise to the current and future challenges of global pressure on resources and rising insecurity of supply. Pumping resources back into productive […]

New Cross-KIC call “Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)” now open

Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)  is a tool designed to help innovative environmental technologies access the market. It consists of the verification, on a voluntary basis, of the functional and environmental performance of a technology by qualified third parties, through tests of controlled quality. The end product is an ETV Statement of Verification published on the […]

Extended submission deadline: Swiss Research Data Day 2020

The Swiss Research Data Day, the 3rd edition of this DLCM event, will take place in Switzerland, at the Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG/HES-SO), October 22, 2020. This call is to kindly invite you to contribute to our coming event entitled “Swiss Research Data Day 2020: Emergent approaches for Open Science”. The current situation […]

18th NETTIES Conference (Network Entities) in Vienna, September 10 – 12, 2020: Call for Papers

IAFeS – International Association for Sciences hase the pleasure of inviting you to submit your scientific work for the NETTIES (Network Entities) Conference 2020 in Vienna September 10th – 12th 2020. Supporting the concept of interdisciplinarity, we welcome submissions in all academic fields. The subject is: “Human Informatics: Sociological and Technical Perspectives Blockchain Technologies & […]