European Commission

Horizon 2020 Food, Agriculture Applicants Training

Focus on Open 2017 Food, Agriculture Calls 20-10-2016, 10:00–17:00 in Bern, University of Bern – Hauptgebäude (main building) Hochschulstrasse 4, This training addresses applicants of Food Security Horizon 2020 proposals. Your planned role may be task or work package leader, coordinator or simply partner in a project. You will receive targeted information and advice to […]

European Commission

Partner Search: Coordinator Sought For Horizon 2020 Health SC1-PM-10-2017

The foundation for the research and innovation from Asturias, Spain is looking for a coordinator for the proposal H2020 SC1-PM-10-2017 “Comparing the effectiveness of existing healthcare interventions in Cancer patients” that will be submitted to 1st stage deadline on 4 October 2016. The proposal’s idea and the work packages have been already developped. The deadline […]


Factories of the Future Conference 2016: Materialising Factories 4.0

This is your opportunity to learn more about what Europe is doing to transform European manufacturing through research and innovation. Register now! The Factories of the Future Conference 2016: Materialising Factories 4.0 will bring together Europe’s leading experts in industrial research and innovation to debate major priorities for the future of manufacturing in Europe. The […]


Call for “Research Projects in Science, Technology and Innovation, linked to Mexican scientists and technologists based abroad”

The Mexican government, through the Sectorial Research Fund of the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), has recently launched a call for “Research Projects in Science, Technology and Innovation, linked to Mexican scientists and technologists based abroad”. Schlagwörter: Call, Mexicans abroad


Innovations-Apéro: Arealentwicklung Kemptthal-Givaudan Zurich Innovation Center

Dienstag, 6. September 2016 um 17.45 Uhr Technopark Winterthur Das Areal Kemptthal hat eine bewegte Industrie-Geschichte hinter sich. Nach der langen und erfolgreichen Maggi-Ära lanciert nun Givaudan eine völlige Neuausrichtung mit der Schaffung ihres «Givaudan Zurich Innovation Center» ZIC. Für 120 Mio. Franken entwickelt der weltweit führende Aroma- und Duftstoffhersteller bis Ende 2018 auf dem historisch […]