
Free online course «Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage»

On 7 April 2014, the Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries (Sandec/Eawag), in partnership with the EPF Lausanne, is launching its first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), entitled «Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage». The course is free, in English and has French subtitles. It is the first course of the […]

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H2020 – ICT Infoday on Gamification & Multimodal Computer Interaction

The European Commission is organizing an information and networking day on February 6 in Luxembourg, Building Jean Monnet, rue Alcide de Gasperi, Plateau de Kirchberg on: Information and Communications Technologies (H2020-ICT-2014-1) Advanced Digital Gamining/Gamification technologies (Topic ICT 21) Multimodal and Natural Computer Interaction Assisting people with disabilities (Topic ICT 22-b) Further Information Horizon 2020 Information and Networking Day Schlagwörter: […]


IBH-Workshop Mobilität

Die Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule will Forschende vernetzen und mit relevanten Themen einen Beitrag zur Stärkung des Wissens- und Bildungsraumes Bodensee leisten. Durch eine gezielte Projektförderung von anwendungsorientierten Forschungsprojekten zu Schwerpunktthemen werden hierbei wichtige Akzente gesetzt. Thema des Calls zur Einreichung von IBH-Schwerpunktprojekten für 2014 ist „Mobilität“. Schlagwörter: IBH, Mobilität

Swiss Swedish Innovation Initiative


The high technology platform Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative (SWII) was launched by Switzerland and Sweden in October 2012. Next SWII activity is the Innovative Smart Systems Networking Conference (ISSC), which matches the R&D intensive Swiss & Swedish MNEs, SMEs & academia with the goal to launch joint market oriented R&D projects. WHEN: April 1, 2014 WHERE: […]