EU GrantsAccess

ERC CoG Applicants Training: How to write a successful Proposal?

Friday 30 January 2015, 14:00 -17:00 ETH, Universitätstrasse 2, Zürich, Gebäude LFW C4 Take this opportunity and learn about how to write a successful ERC CoG application from Dr. Judith Zbinden, ERC National Contact Person, Euresearch Head Office. This training will also offer you the chance to benefit from a successful ERC CoG grantee’s experience. […]

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Pre-Announcement of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Call 2015

AAL supports innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects with clear market orientation As part of the work programme, the Ambient Assisted Living Programme (AAL) intends to launch in February 2015 a new Challenge Led Call for Proposals “Living active and independently at home”. Schlagwörter: AAL, Ausschreibungen, Euresearch, Veranstaltungen extern

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H2020 Webinar – Health Funding Opportunities

29 January 2015, 14:00–15:00 in Bern Switzerland can participate. Join the webinar to get latest information on funding opportunities for your collaborative health research. The Horizon 2020 framework programme offers numerous funding possibilities for researchers and consortia in the Health area. 7.2 billion Euros are allocated for health research 2014-2020. Schlagwörter: Euresearch, Horizon 2020 Veranstaltung […]

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Citizen Science Workshop in Zürich

22./23. Januar 2015, ETH Zürich Bei «Citizen Science» beteiligen sich Bürgerinnen und Bürger an Forschungsprojekten. An einem Workshop der Universität und der ETH Zürich wird am 22./23. Januar diskutiert, unter welchen Voraussetzungen dies gelingen kann. Die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften sollten sich diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen und sich frühzeitig aktiv an diesem Thema beteiligen. Schlagwörter: […]