Robotics Brokerage Day 2017 – 6 December

The Robotics Information and Brokerage event organised by SPARC will bring people from the robotics field together to explore the new 2018-2020 work programme and in particular the call for Robotics Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH). Please note, that the Robotics part of the H2020 Work Programme in 2018 is only calling for networks of Digital […]

Horizon 2020 Health and Food Applicants Training

14-12-2017, 09:30–17:00 in Zürich The full day event on 14 December 2017 addresses applicants of Health and Food Horizon 2020 proposals. You will receive targeted information and advice to support you in the roles of task or work package leader, coordinator or partner in a project and learn what you need to consider when planning […]

Going digital in research & education partnerships: opportunities, challenges, and risks

The 2017 annual conference of the KFPE organized together with SUDAC (the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network) focuses on the potential and limitations of digital tools and approaches in the research and policy arenas, and the relevance of such tools and approaches in education. Further Information and REGISTRATION requested by 27 November 2017     […]

Art Driven Innovation in Horizon 2020: Workshop on STARTS – The Arts stimulating innovation

19-12-2017, 13:45–17:30 in Bern With the STARTS initiative the European Commission aims at removing the boundaries between art and engineering to stimulate creativity and innovation. The Horizon 2020 topic ICT-32-2018: STARTS – The Arts stimulating innovation contributes to this overall goal. Schlagwörter: Art, Engineering, EU Horizon 2020, STARTS, Workshop

1. Swiss Philanthropy Project Day 2018 am 15. Mai 2018

Am 15. Mai 2018 findet in Bern der 1. Swiss Philanthropy Project Day statt: Ein neues Podium, auf dem sich Projektförderer und Projektträger direkt austauschen können – quasi ein Marktplatz für Förderer und Projektträger. Das Motto: Weniger Gesuche und bessere Projekte durch persönliche Begegnung. Schlagwörter: Marktplatz, Philanthropy Project Day,

SNF-Infoveranstaltung an der ZFH/PHZH am 24.11.2017

Im November 2017 begibt sich der SNF auf eine Tour de Suisse. In ihrem Rahmen besucht er mehrere Hochschulen in Lugano, Basel, Lausanne, Zürich und Genf, um den Forschenden seine Förderungsinstrumente zu präsentieren. Am Nachmittag vom Freitag, 24. November 2017 macht der SNF Halt bei der Zürcher Fachhochschule. Schlagwörter: Informationsveranstaltung, Karriereförderung, Projektförderung, SNF

Horizon 2020 – Health, IMI 2 and US-NIH information event

16-11-2017, 12:00–14:00 in Geneva This event will provide information on the funding opportunities provided by the European Framework Programme for research and innovation « Horizon 2020 » in the domains of health, life sciences and pharmaceutical sciences. In particular, the event will focus on the Horizon 2020 – Health, demographic change and wellbeing and on […]

European Health Innovation Event, December 7th 2017, KU Leuven

The event promotes networking between researchers and business representatives in order to form consortia for forthcoming Horizon 2020 funding opportunities in 2018-2020 and possible links with EIT Health. Schlagwörter: EU Horizon 2020, European Health Innovation, Event, Health Information Event, Societal Challenge 1