Swiss Research Data Day 2020

The 3rd edition of the Swiss Research Data Day (#SRDD2020) will be held on October 22nd, 2020 at the Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG/HES-SO)! The event focuses on all aspects of Research Data Management (RDM). It offers a discussion space to exchange on major challenging technologies and approaches that characterize the RDM practices from […]

EIC Greenathon: Hacking the European Green Deal

This event, taking place on 27 – 30 October 2020, invites EIC beneficiaries to contribute in making Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050! The aim of this Greenathon is to come up with fresh ideas in order to foster business growth and sustainable development in Europe. Beneficiaries of the EIC Pathfinder and EIC […]

Green Deal Online Brokerage Event for Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts

The event offers networking opportunities and focuses on those areas of the Green Deal call which are of specific interest for researchers from the Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts (SSHA). The event is organised by Net4Society, the network of National Contact Points for SSHA. It discusses the policy context for the Green Deal Call […]

Lessons Learned of Horizon 2020 – Outlook on Horizon Europe

28-10-2020, 10:30 – 11:30 This webinar targets collaborative research and innovation with the involvement of Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts.It highlights lessons learned in Horizon 2020 with a focus on the Societal Challenge 6: Inclusive Societies. Furthermore, potential funding opportunities under the Green Deal Call and Horizon Europe (2021–2027) will be discussed. Further Information […]

Drone-Days 2.0 Matchmaking Event

Increase your research and innovation network and get insights on Horizon Europe with the Drone-Days 2.0 Matchmaking Event, 22 October 2020, online. This matchmaking event brings participants new opportunities to further develop their business in a competitive way, via the civil and commercial application and use of drones. This event is ideal for security players, […]

«Scimpact» – mit der Wissenschaft die Welt verstehen und verändern

Das von reatch lancierte Programm «Scimpact» hat zum Ziel, wissenschaftlich Interessierte in die Verantwortung zu nehmen und sie zu befähigen mit ihrem Wissen etwas zu bewirken. Durch das Programm werden drei Kernkompetenzen gefördert: kritische Reflexion, verständliche Kommunikation und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt. Um diese Skills aufzubauen und zu festigen finden 1:1 Coachings, Workshops und thematische Abendveranstaltungen sowie […]

Call for participation: World Usability Day am 12.11.2020 in Rapperswil

Seit 2005 feiert die Welt alljährlich am 2. Donnerstag im November den World Usability Day (WUD). Der Schweizer User-Experience Branchenverband “UX Schweiz” organisiert traditionell ein Treffen für UX Professionals aus Praxis und Forschung. Mittlerweile ist unser WUD zum Schweizer UX Ereignis des Jahres geworden und bietet jeweils rund 350 Fachpersonen und an UX Interessierten Gelegenheit […]

Academia Industry Training for Swiss & Indian Science Startups

The AIT program aims to support scientists in transforming their applied research into market application and discovering their entrepreneurial potential. By connecting scientists from top ins­titutions in Switzerland and India, the program promotes an international network and enables access to one of the most promising markets and intel­lectual capitals in applied research. Further details and […]

Brain-Computer Interface, Sustainable ICT and Open Data

In preparation to the CHIST-ERA Call 2020, an online conference will take place from Sep 29 2020 to 1 Oct 2020. The draft topics are Advanced Brain-Computer Interface, Sustainable ICT and Research Practice and Open Research Data. Interested contributors can send their abstract until 11 September 2020. Further details Schlagwörter: Brain-Computer Interface, CHIST-ERA Call 2020, […]

Last Online Workshop from the EC on Legal & Financial Aspects for Horizon 2020

29-09-2020, 09:00–13:30 Doubts on how to calculate personnel costs or using the Lump Sum Scheme? Worried about the next audit or errors when claiming costs? The European Commission will answer directly all these questions in this last Horizon 2020 outreach event targeted for Switzerland. Further information, agenda and registration Schlagwörter: European Commission, online Workshop on […]