European Commission

Webinar on Upcoming Calls in «Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials»

Get First-Hand Information by the European Commission on Upcoming Funding Opportunities 27-09-2016, 14:00–15:00 in Bern Alison Imrie, European Commission Work Programme coordinator, will present background information on the 2017 calls of the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge «Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials». Moreover, the Swiss National Contact Point (NCP) will explain how Euresearch […]

enterprise europe network

Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy 2016

22–23-09-2016, 09:00–18:00 in Altavilla Vicentina, Italy On the occasion of the 6th edition of the Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy IFIB (Vicenza, Italy 22-23 September, 2016) the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) organises the Biotech and Bioeconomy Partnering Event – IFIB 2016. Schlagwörter: Biotechnology, EU Sonstige, Veranstaltung extern

European Commission

Research Public-Private Partnerships Information Day

14 October 2016 in Brussels, Belgium The aim of the Information Day is to give the research community an overview of ongoing activities in the following Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) : Factories of the Future, Energy-efficient Buildings, Sustainable Process Industry and European Green Vehicles Initiative. Support will be given for the preparation of proposals for the […]


Swiss Technology Award 2016

Der bedeutendste Technologiepreis der Schweiz Innovationen sind für die Schweizer Wirtschaft die entscheidenden Treiber des Fortschritts. Sie sichern unseren Wohlstand. Mit der Verleihung des Swiss Technology Award wird diese Innovationskultur unterstützt und gefördert. In drei Kategorien werden jedes Jahr herausragende technologiebasierte Innovationen und Entwicklungen von Start-ups, Hoch- und Fachhochschulen sowie etablierten Unternehmen prämiert. Schlagwörter: Preise, […]

IBH 100x100

Call: IBH-Positionen

In ihrer Strategie für 2016 – 2021 hat die IBH die Schaffung von grenz- und hochschulartenübergreifenden Angeboten im Bereich Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie die Steigerung der Sichtbarkeit der IBH und die Stärkung des Wissens- und Bildungsraums Bodensee als Ziele formuliert. Mit den „IBH-Positionen – Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Kultur“ lanciert die IBH eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe […]


SSH: Check out opportunities in Horizon 2020 on 01 September 2016

This event will provide information on opportunities for researchers and stakeholders in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) throughout Horizon 2020. A focus will be laid on the interdisciplinary nature of the calls for proposals, the so-called integration of SSH in H2020. Schlagwörter: EU Horizon 2020, Euresearch, Funding, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH), Workshop


Workshop in Bern 03–04 October 2016: Finance in Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 – the EU’s research and innovation funding programme – provides grants to universities, companies, research organisations and other bodies. This two-day workshop will explain the funding rules for the programme, from budgets to eligible costs and from cash flow to audits. The Swiss financial rules will be explained too. Schlagwörter: EU Horizon 2020, […]


International Policy Session on “The Electricity Market in 2025: European Perspectives”

On the 26th of June 2016 – the day after the BREXIT referendum – the Energy Policy Analysis Group (EPAG) of the ZHAW School of Management and Law as a member of SCCER CREST, hosted a policy session on “The Electricity Market in 2025”. The policy session was part of the official programme of the […]