H2020 – Open Health, IMI and US-NIH Research Calls & Practical Session on Proposal Writing in Geneva, 29 November 2018

H2020 – Open Health, IMI and US-NIH Research Calls & Practical Session on Proposal Writing in Geneva, 29 November 2018 Schlagwörter: Health, IMI and US-NIH Research Calls, life sciences and pharmaceutical sciences, Open Health, proposal writing

Lancierung des Impulsprogramms «Fertigungstechnologien» von Innosuisse

Der Aktionsplan des Bundesrates 2019–2020 zur Förderung der Digitalisierung soll sicherstellen, dass die Schweiz eines der führenden Länder in der Entwicklung und Anwendung digitaler Technologien ist. Innosuisse setzt dabei zwei Massnahmen um: Schlagwörter: digitalen Transformation in Energie und Mobilität über die Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Researc SCCER, Digitalisierung, Impulsprogramms «Fertigungstechnologien, Innosuisse

Science with and for Society Brokerage Event

Join the brokerage event for the upcoming Science with and for Society topics! It takes place in Brussels on 14 December. Are you interested in participating in a Science with and for Society (SwafS) project? Then you may join the dedicated brokerage event. It provides great networking opportunities for both project coordinators and partners. More […]

EU Funding Opportunities for eHealth and Health Research and Innovation

10-12-2018, 12:00–14:00 in Lausanne This 2-part event organised by Euresearch and Swiss Digital Health is open to researchers from both the public and private sectors. You may attend the first part only (12:00-13:20), or the second one (13:20-14:00), or both (12:00-14:00), depending on your interests and availability. In part I, the event will focus on […]

Webinar on Horizon 2020 Opportunities for Security Practitioners

12-12-2018, 10:30–11:30 in Bern The term “practitioners” refers to someone who is qualified or registered to practice a particular occupation, profession in the field of security or civil protection. This webinar discusses opportunities for practitioners within the Horizon 2020 Programme Secure Societies. The following fields are of specific importance: Disaster resilience Crime and terrorism Border […]

Regionalprojekte „Kulturelle Identität und Mobilität“

Ausschreibung Regionalprojekte Antragsfrist: 24.05.2019 (Projektstart 01.01.2020) Zu dieser Ausschreibung findet am ein Impuls- und Vernetzungsworkshop an der FH Vorarlberg statt. Im Zentrum der Ausschreibung steht die Frage, welche Wirkungen, Herausforderungen und Potentiale in einer immer mobileren Gesellschaft für die Themenbereiche Wirtschaft & Arbeiten, Bildung, Raum, Kultur, Partizipation, Zivilgesellschaft, Migration und Integration liegen und welche […]

Nachhaltiger dank Multi-Stakeholder Partnerschaften: Erfolge und Hürden

MONTAG, 12. NOVEMBER 2018, 18.00 UHR Konferenzzentrum Forum St.Peter beim Paradeplatz Zürich Um die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der UNO zu erreichen (Agenda 2030) müssen Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft zusammenarbeiten. So fordert das Ziel 17 ausdrücklich den Dialog zwischen verschiedenen Anspruchsgruppen – sogenannte Multistakeholder- Partnerschaften. Nur gemeinsam können so wichtige Ziele erreicht werden wie Verbesserung der Ernährung, […]

Pillars 2 & 3 Proposal Writing Training

20-11-2018, 10:30–16:30 in Bern Learn how to write a competitive Horizon 2020 proposal! If you have identified a topic of interest in one of the Horizon 2020 calls for 2019 and plan to get involved with proposal writing (typically because you act as coordinator or work package leader) in a proposal to be submitted, this […]

Healthcare Brokerage Event at MEDICA 2018

12–14-11-2018, 13:00–18:00 in Düsseldorf On the occasion of MEDICA 2018, the global No. 1 meeting place for the medical sector, the Enterprise Europe Network will organise an international Healthcare Brokerage Event. The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners in Europe for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, joint ventures […]

Register Now to Participate in the EU Raw Materials Week 2018

Don’t Miss THE EU Series of Events on Raw Materials After two successul editions, the 2018 EU Raw Materials Week will take place from 12-16 November in Brussels. The series of events cover a whole range of topics related to raw materials and feature the annual high-level conference of the influencial European Innovation Partnership on […]