Innovative Medicines Initiative Stakeholder Forum 2017, 18-19 October in Brussels

Every year, the IMI Stakeholder Forum gathers Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) stakeholders in health and medicines R&D and provides them with an opportunity to learn about and discuss IMI’s latest activities and plans. More information on the event will be published shortly. IMI’s Stakeholder Forum is an excellent opportunity for all who are interested in […]

New Partner Search Service 14/07/2017

The Participant Portal (PP) provides a new service for finding collaboration partners for your future projects when applying for EU grants. It allows searching profiles of organisations that have previously received EU funding via the PP. The functionalities of the currently available beta version will be extended in the coming months. In its first version, […]

Preis für Verkehrssicherheit

Studierende Schweizer Hochschulen sind eingeladen, eine Diplomarbeit im Fachbereich der urbanen Verkehrssicherheit einzureichen. Der Inhalt der Diplomarbeit soll möglichst im Einflussbereich der Stadtverwaltung Zürich liegen; demnach liegt der Schwerpunkt bei der urbanen Verkehrssicherheit (z.B. Infrastruktur, Prävention, Sensibilisierung, Kommunikation). Das übergeordnete Ziel der Arbeit soll eine Reduktion der Anzahl der Verunfallten im urbanen Strassenverkehr sein. Alle […]


Eingabefrist: 01.09.2017 Das Agora Instrument will die Wissensverbreitung sowie den Austausch von Ideen und Meinungen über wissenschaftliche Forschung fördern. Demnach werden Projekte gefördert, die Interaktionen und gegenseitiges Zuhören beinhalten und so einen Dialog zwischen den Forschenden und der Bevölkerung in Gang setzen. Es werden Beträge zwischen 5’000 und 200’000 Franken vergeben für Projekt die sowohl […]

Horizon 2020 – Impact Workshop Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (NMBP)

23-08-2017, 13:00–15:30 in St. Gallen Are you planning to submit a proposal for the next Horizon 2020 call “Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing” (NMBP)? We are organising a workshop to help you develop an appropriate response to the “Expected Impact” section for your proposal. Speakers: Cornelia Spycher, PhD, National Contact Point […]

Microfluidics Matchmaking Event Basel

12-09-2017, 09:00–17:00 in Basel innovation networks and its partners join forces to organise the Basel Microfluidics Workshop 2017 on 11 September 2017. This one-day workshop will provide critical technological insights and the latest updates on the global microfluidics industry. On the subsequent day, 12 September 2017, a matchmaking event dedicated to microfluidics in cooperation […]

Horizon 2020 – Funding Opportunities in the Area of Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Production (NMP)

04-09-2017, 14:15–16:15 in Windisch Why should you participate? What is at stake in NMP? In this seminar Euresearch will inform on Horizon 2020 funding opportunities in the area of Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Production (NMP). Information on upcoming topics and hands on advise on how to participate and find project partners will be provided. An […]

Horizon 2020 – Funding Opportunities in the Area of Nanotechnologies, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials and Production (NMBP)

21-09-2017, 12:00–13:15 in Bern Grab a sandwich and learn on upcoming topics and how to participate. In this lunch seminar Euresearch will inform on Horizon 2020 funding opportunities in the area of Nanotechnologies, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials and Production (NMBP). Information on upcoming topics and how to participate and find project partners will be provided. An […]

Big Data in Healthcare – Partnering Event

The event is jointly organised by the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine and Luxinnovation and it will take place on 3 October 2017 in Luxembourg. The partnering event is a satellite event of the “Impact of Big Data in Healthcare” conference. For more information on the conference please see here. The pre-arranged face-to-face meetings are […]

National Information Event on the ERC Synergy Grant

22-08-2017, 13:15–17:30 in Bern ERC Synergy Grants enable 2-4 top researchers with complimentary skills and knowledge to jointly address a research problem of their choice in unconventional ways. After a pilot in 2012 and 2013, the ERC decided to re-introduce the Synergy Grant to its portfolio, with the next Synergy Call expected to close on […]