BRIDGE Informationsveranstaltung mit Fokus auf Proof of Concept

BRIDGE ist das gemeinsame Programm des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds SNF und der Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI. Dieses Programm schafft ein neues Förderungsangebot an der Schnittstelle von Grundlagenforschung und wissenschaftbasierter Innovation und ergänzt damit die Förderungstätigkeit der beiden Trägerorganisationen. Zur Informationsveranstaltung sind vor allem junge Forschende eingeladen, um eine Übersicht über die BRIDGE Förderungsmöglichkeiten zu […]

Want to Find a Partner or a Consortium for an Upcoming Horizon 2020 NMBP Call?

Sign up now for the Brokerage Event about the next Nanotechnologies, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials & Production (NMBP) calls on 17 October 2017 in Strasbourg, France!   The objectives of the Brokerage Event are to get the latest information from the European Commission about the next NMBP calls to facilitate the setup of project consortia to […]

Migration in Horizon 2020

26-09-2017, 13:45–17:30 in Bern Learn More About Horizon 2020 Opportunities for Research on Migration! Migration is perceived as one of the main challenges for Europe. Therefore, the European Commission has decided to strengthen research on migrants and refugees. This is reflected in the calls of the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 for the next three years. […]

Microfluidics Matchmaking Event Basel

12-09-2017, 09:00–17:00 in Basel innovation networks and its partners join forces to organise the Basel Microfluidics Workshop 2017 on 11 September 2017. This one-day workshop will provide critical technological insights and the latest updates on the global microfluidics industry. On the subsequent day, 12 September 2017, a matchmaking event dedicated to microfluidics in cooperation […]

Industrial Innovation Info Days 2017: 3-4 October 2017 in Brussels. Registration is Now Open!

The Industrial Innovation Info Days will be the perfect occasion for applicants to learn more about upcoming challenges in the Horizon 2020 area of Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (NMBP). The European Commission is organising the Industrial Innovation Info Days 2017, with  support of external stakeholders. Panel sessions will focus on upcoming […]

Public Consultation on Health and Care in the Digital Single Market

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on how Europe should promote digital innovation in health and care, for the benefits of citizens and health systems in Europe. The input from this consultation will feed into a new policy Communication to be adopted by the end of 2017, as announced in the recent review […]

Horizon 2020 Partner Search for Secure Societies

An Italian consortium plans to coordinate a project for SEC-12-FCT-2016-2017: Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation in the context of fight against crime and terrorism. It is looking for further partners to participate. CINI (National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics) is the main point of reference for the Italian national academic research in the fields of […]

European Process Industry Conference

The conference is taking place 19 September 2017 in Brussels. Register now, places are limited. This conference gathers all relevant stakeholders for the European Process Industry. This event – open to all interested stakeholders – will be dedicated to picturing the future EU Process Industry and what can be implemented if appropriate investments are met. […]

Horizon 2020 – Upcoming Calls in “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”

National Information Event 14-09-2017, 14:15–16:15 in Bern During this afternoon event, you will receive the latest information on the calls planned for 2018-20 in the Horizon 2020 challenge “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”, aiming at supporting the realisation of the Paris Agreement as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. You will also […]

Horizon 2020 Partner Search for Science with and for Society

An Austrian research institute is looking for partners for SwafS-27-2017: Implementing a European train-the-trainers initiative with regard to ethics and research integrity. Science Shop Vienna is an independent interdisciplinary research institute that performs research in response to the needs and demands of non-profit organisations. The institute has previously been involved both as a partner and […]