H2020 MSCA Individual Fellowships Applicants Trainings 2019

Do you apply for an Individual Fellowship this year? Register for our Applicants Training and you will learn how to write a competitive proposal. We offer one-day trainings all across Switzerland in June and July. Schlagwörter: applicants training, H2020 MSCA Individual Fellowships

Horizon 2020 Brokerage & Information Day on Food, Agriculture Calls 2020

Come and learn about the Societal Challenge 2 calls (Food, Agriculture) for 2020 and get some practical information on how to successfully apply to the open calls for proposals on 3 and 4 July 2019 in Brussels. The brokerage event on 03 July 2019 helps you find the right partners for the upcoming 2020 calls. […]

Horizon 2020 International Space Information Day

Join this very first opportunity to learn about the Horizon 2020 Space Call 2020, meet inspired and motivated people and develop ideas for future projects! This event will take place on 12 June 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Schlagwörter: International Space Information Day

«First Ventures»: Entrepreneurship an Fachhochschulen am Beispiel des Förderprogramms der Gebert Rüf Stiftung

Einladung zum öffentlichen Informations- und Diskussionsanlass am 12. Juni 2019, 16.30 – 18.00 Uhr, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, mit anschliessendem Apéro Die Gebert Rüf Stiftung fördert mit «First Ventures» Bachelor- und Masterstudierende von Fachhochschulen, die in ihrer Abschlussarbeit eine innovative Geschäftsidee entwickeln. Wer mit seinem Projekt überzeugen kann, erhält im Erfolgsfall bis zu CHF 150’000, um […]

Save the Date: Research Infrastructures in Europe and Switzerland

This information event will take place in Berne on 5 July 2019. You will learn about the topics open next year in Horizon 2020, the timelines of the ESFRI roadmap and the Swiss roadmap, and get an outlook on RI in Horizon Europe. Schlagwörter: information event, Research Infrastructures in Europe and Switzerland

Neues Schwerpunktprojekt “Nachhaltigkeit und gesellschaftlicher Wandel” mit Impuls und Vernetzungsworkshop

Vernetzungsworkshop: 26.06.2019 Deadline zur Antragsstellung: 29.11.2019, 12:00 Uhr Frühester Projektstart: 01.06.2020 Projektende 31.12.2021 Mit der Förderlinie „Schwerpunktprojekte“ unterstützt die IBH in dieser Ausschreibung Projekte, die sich explizit mit den Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der grenzüberschreitenden und vernetzten Kooperation in der Bodenseeregion im Themenfeld „Nachhaltigkeit“ aus einer interdisziplinären Perspektive auseinandersetzen. Gleichzeitig sollen mit dieser Ausschreibung Projekte gefördert […]

Save the Date: Proposal Writing Training with Sean McCarthy

12 November 2019, University of Bern The aim of this event is to train researchers, research managers and research support services in writing professional and competitive proposals for Horizon 2020. The course is held by Sean McCarthy, a distinguished expert on European Framework Programmes. More Information and Registration Schlagwörter: proposal writing

Save the Date: Research Infrastructures in Europe and Switzerland

This information event will take place in Berne on 5 July 2019. You will learn about the topics open next year in Horizon 2020, the timelines of the ESFRI roadmap and the Swiss roadmap, and get an outlook on RI in Horizon Europe. This event, organised by Euresearch with several speakers from the State Secretariat […]

EUREKA – Artificial Intelligence for Swiss Companies

The EUREKA programmes invites to submit applied research and innovation project proposals in Artificial Intelligence. The consortium should include at least two (for profit) independent companies from two of the participating countries (incl. Switzerland). The participation of research institutes/universities is welcome according to each country’s funding regulations. Full details of the call Schlagwörter: Artificial Intelligence, […]