European Process Industry Conference

The conference is taking place 19 September 2017 in Brussels. Register now, places are limited. This conference gathers all relevant stakeholders for the European Process Industry. This event – open to all interested stakeholders – will be dedicated to picturing the future EU Process Industry and what can be implemented if appropriate investments are met. […]

New Partner Search Service 14/07/2017

The Participant Portal (PP) provides a new service for finding collaboration partners for your future projects when applying for EU grants. It allows searching profiles of organisations that have previously received EU funding via the PP. The functionalities of the currently available beta version will be extended in the coming months. In its first version, […]

Microfluidics Matchmaking Event Basel

12-09-2017, 09:00–17:00 in Basel innovation networks and its partners join forces to organise the Basel Microfluidics Workshop 2017 on 11 September 2017. This one-day workshop will provide critical technological insights and the latest updates on the global microfluidics industry. On the subsequent day, 12 September 2017, a matchmaking event dedicated to microfluidics in cooperation […]

Horizon 2020 Partner Offers for SwafS-11-2017

Three institutions from Germany, Spain and Austria are offering their expertise. They would like to participate in a Science with and for Society (SwafS) topic on science education outside the classroom. The following institutions are willing to participate as a partner in SwafS-11-2017: Science education outside the classroom: ZENIT GmbH Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y […]

Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme

Eingabefrist: 30.06.2017 Der SNF beteiligt sich an der ersten Ausschreibung im Rahmen des Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme. Das Joint Funding Scheme ermöglicht die Zusammenarbeit von Forschenden und Innovatoren aus Südostasien und Europa, die an gemeinsamen Forschungsthemen interessiert sind. So können Ressourcen multilateral gebündelt werden, um kollaborative Forschung und Innovationsprojekte zu fördern. Der […]

Do not Miss the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) European Brokerage Event!

Join Europe’s largest event on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on 20 June 2017 at the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès in Strasbourg, and find business partners for your projects and technological cooperation. This brokerage event is co-organised by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Alsace and ERTICO-ITS Europe in the frame of the 12th ITS […]

SAVE THE DATE: Swiss Space Industry Day 2017 on 16-17 June 2017 in Lausanne

The aim of these Swiss Space Industry Days is to provide up-to-date information to current and potential stakeholders on the various European institutional programmes as well as a platform to exchange experiences on the fast changing space landscape having an impact on business and cooperation models, industrial processes, standards and technologies. More Information and Registration: […]

Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Forum 2017 in Coimbra, Portugal, 2-4 October

The AAL Forum is an annual showcase and the largest event in the Active and Assisted Living field, which aims to bring together all the stakeholders in Active and Assisted Living domain. The Forum brings together policy makers, ICT developers, manufacturers, healthcare professionals, commissioners, companies, venture companies, technologists, academics, designers, caregivers and senior citizens, to […]

Symposium “Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures” – 8 May 2017 in Lisbon

Registration is now open for this symposium, which will take place on 8 May 2017 in Lisbon. Deadline for registration is 1 May 2017. On behalf of the RICH Project, it is our pleasure to inform you on the upcoming symposium “Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures” that will take place on 8 May […]

Partner Search for a Second Stage NMBP Proposal

Wanted: polymer electrolyte membranes manufacturer. A consortium of materials developers and suppliers, device manufacturers and system integrator are looking for a polymer electrolyte membranes manufacturer sought for prototyping and testing in a Horizon 2020 2nd stage proposal  within call deadline on 4 May 2017. Further Information: Schlagwörter: NMBP Proposal, polymer electrolyte