Registration Open for the Health Open Day 2017

This is your chance to get all the information and insight about the content of the new Work Programme, directly from the staff of the European Commission! The event will include advice on the design of a good proposal and will answer to questions from the audience. Places are limited, do not miss to attend […]

Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructures Info Day, 30.11.2017, Brussels

The aim of the day is to inform participants about the new Work Programme 2018/2020 and to offer unique opportunities for networking. Save the date, more information will follow soon. It is a perfect opportunity to meet representatives from DG-RTD, ask questions and network with other participants. Further Information: Schlagwörter: Info Day

Innovations-Apéro: LoRa – ein Funknetz für das Internet der Dinge

Am Dienstag, 14. November 2017 um 17.45 Uhr findet im TECHNOPARK® Winterthur ein Innovations-Apéro zu folgendem Thema statt: LoRa – ein Funknetz für das Internet der Dinge LoRa resp. LoRaWAN (von Long Rang resp. Long Range Wide Area Network) ist ein neuer Netzwerkstandard, der das Potential für viele Produkt- und Dienstleistungs-Innovationen hat. Mit LoRa ausgerüstet, […]

27.10.2017: Startup Night Winterthur

An der Winterthur Startup Night werden Türen geöffnet, Ideen und Informationen geteilt, Geschäftsmodelle entwickelt, wird von Erfolg und Misserfolg berichtet, Hürden werden abgebaut, Kontakte geknüpft, neue Wege und neue Ansichten diskutiert. Kurzum, es wird an der Zukunft von mir, dir und der Stadt Winterthur gearbeitet. Spannende Redner, junge Startups, erfolgreiche Unternehmen, Workshops, Labs, Pitches, Insights […]

EC Infodays on Upcoming Calls in “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”

Brussels, 8-9 November 2017 This first EC Infoday on the last and biggest Work Programme under Horizon 2020 will give you the chance to get background information on the calls and find out what it takes to submit a competitive proposal directly from the EC (European Commission). You will also get the chance to get to know potential project […]

Wind Energy Matchmaking 2017 – 29–30-11-2017, 10:00–18:00 in Amsterdam

The Wind Energy Matchmaking offers professionals in the wind energy business an unique opportunity to keep updated on the sector and its actors, and meet qualified contacts in a short amount of time. The Wind Energy Matchmaking is connected to the WindEurope conference and exhibition 2017 in Amsterdam which is one of Europe’s leading wind […]

Register Now! Horizon 2020: What to Expect and Where to Apply in 2018-2020

Are you interested in getting the latest news about the next Work Programme in Horizon 2020? This event, taking place on 31 October 2017 in Bern, will provide you with an overview of the upcoming calls for 2018-2020 and give you the unique opportunity to meet your National Contact Points for bilateral discussions. Event Website […]

EUREKA Call for R&D Project Outlines Sweden – Switzerland – Belgium

Sweden, Belgium and Switzerland are jointly announcing a tri-lateral call for outlines of joint innovation projects under all suitable EUREKA instruments (EUREKA Network, EUREKA Cluster and Eurostars projects). Actors from Sweden, Switzerland and Belgium may receive feedback on their project outlines in the form of guidance on how to prepare a high quality proposal and […]

Horizon 2020 – Funding Opportunities in the Area of Nanotechnologies, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials and Production (NMBP)

21-09-2017, 12:00–13:15 in Bern Grab a sandwich and learn on upcoming topics and how to participate In this lunch seminar, Euresearch will inform on Horizon 2020 funding opportunities in the area of Nanotechnologies, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials and Production (NMBP). Information on upcoming topics and how to participate and find project partners will be provided. An […]

Horizon 2020 – Health Information Event

14-09-2017, 11:30–13:30 in St. Gallen This information event will provide you with an overview of the “Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing” societal challenge within Horizon 2020. The event is an excellent opportunity to get the latest news about the forthcoming Work Programme to be launched end of 2017 and also to acquire tips and tricks […]